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Example sentences for "dessertspoonfuls"

Lexicographically close words:
dessen; dessert; desserts; dessertspoon; dessertspoonful; dessicated; dessication; dessins; dessous; dessus
  1. Lift them out, and thicken the stew with three dessertspoonfuls of flour, wet with a scant cup of water.

  2. Stir into some good melted butter from three to four dessertspoonfuls of capers; add a little of the vinegar and dish the sauce as soon as it boils.

  3. Four dessertspoonfuls of mint, two of sugar, one gill of vinegar; stir all together; make two or three hours before wanted.

  4. Add two dessertspoonfuls of onions chopped fine, a dessertspoonful of whole pepper, one of allspice, one of cloves, and half a spoonful of cayenne pepper.

  5. Dessertspoonfuls of light food should be given every half-hour, and increased in quantity as the patient can bear it.

  6. To one quart milk, rub in four dessertspoonfuls of the above mixture.

  7. Grate one quarter pound cold ham in a bowl, with one tablespoonful chopped pickle, one teaspoonful mustard, a little black pepper, six dessertspoonfuls butter; put in a bowl and stir quickly until a cream.

  8. Beat up the yolks of the eggs with about 4 dessertspoonfuls of milk; strain this to the sauce, keep stirring it over the fire, but do not let it boil, or it will curdle.

  9. Beat up the yolks of the eggs with about 4 dessertspoonfuls of milk; strain this to the sauce, keep stirring it over the fire, but do not let it boil, lest it curdle.

  10. Mix these with two dessertspoonfuls of flour.

  11. Put 3 dessertspoonfuls flour in a basin, smooth with a little cold milk, and pour a breakfast-cupful boiling milk over it, stirring vigorously all the time.

  12. If oven-plates are used, put dessertspoonfuls some distance apart on these and put in oven.

  13. Put small teacupful of desiccated cocoanut in pie-dish, then make a pint custard of 2 eggs, and pint of milk, with two dessertspoonfuls sugar.

  14. Add to the whipped cream a tablespoonful of powdered sugar (or a little more if liqueurs are not used for flavoring), and two dessertspoonfuls of noyau or other liqueur, or a teaspoonful of vanilla.

  15. Three or four at a cent apiece should be pared and cored, and placed in a low baking-dish with two dessertspoonfuls of tapioca, and enough water to cover the whole.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dessertspoonfuls" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.