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Example sentences for "despoiling"

Lexicographically close words:
despitefully; despoil; despoiled; despoiler; despoilers; despoils; despond; despondence; despondency; despondent
  1. Once again greedy governors and perfidious subordinates vied with each other in despoiling the innocent, in massacring the guiltless, and in dishonoring the noblest of their race.

  2. It is now proposed to soothe them, by despoiling them of their Constitutional rights; but they cannot be despoiled alone.

  3. Their inclination was not towards justice or family life, but the despoiling of all beneath them, and even of their equals with whom they were not upon terms of amity.

  4. You are circumcised with circumcision not made by hand, in despoiling of the body of the flesh, but in the circumcision of Christ, buried with Him in Baptism.

  5. You are circumcised" in Christ "with circumcision not made by hand in despoiling of the body of the flesh, but in the circumcision of" Our Lord Jesus "Christ.

  6. Further, the good and evil of which we are speaking now are differences of the moral act.

  7. The very guards told off to defend cultivators and travellers took part most shamefully in harassing and despoiling them.

  8. In whom also you are circumcised with circumcision not made by hand in despoiling of the body of the flesh: but in the circumcision of Christ.

  9. And despoiling the principalities and powers, he hath exposed them confidently in open shew, triumphing over them in himself.

  10. Abandoned in character and selfish in principle, many heads of poor families addict themselves to bad company, despoiling their families of their earnings and of charitable supplies, and stupifying their consciences in the cup of intoxication.

  11. The men of Umma, by the despoiling of Lagash, have committed a sin against the god Ningirsu!

  12. The Omens still retained the reference to the despoiling of the Country of the Sea, i.

  13. At this moment he was in the act of despoiling both ancient and modern philosophy of all their wealth in order to assimilate it.

  14. On Wednesday evening the government troops came across a gang of fifty desperadoes, who were despoiling the bodies of the dead found enmeshed in the debris of a large apartment house.

  15. Yet between the Provencal troubadour and the Paulician heretic there was something akin; and with the nobleman of Languedoc, only too willing to take the excuse for despoiling the clergy, they were alike popular.

  16. Still more so was the pretext afforded by its anti-sacerdotal precepts for despoiling the Church.

  17. The war, as hitherto carried on, was one offensive on the part of the Selinuntines, for the purpose of punishing or despoiling their ancient enemy Egesta.

  18. He was then employed in despoiling all the Greek princes who had escaped his first invasions, and whose weakness was concealed under the pompous titles of emperor of Trebizond, king of Iberia, and despot of the Morea.

  19. All western and southern Europe was on the verge of a great struggle for the Spanish inheritance and would clearly be unable to prevent them from despoiling Sweden.

  20. The doubt thrown on his birth and parentage would not be conclusive enough in her mind to justify her in despoiling him of what all the judges in the land would have said was his birthright.

  21. You seem to have no scruple about despoiling Miss Murray of her goods," said Hugo, drily.

  22. Merriwether looked long and earnestly into the eyes of the mysterious man who was despoiling him of a million dollars.

  23. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "despoiling" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.