Taking advantage of the instant, Bucks slipped the fingers of his left hand over the telegraph key and wired the despatchers upstairs for help.
Trainmen and engineers for months carried "slow" orders for Goose Creek bridge, and Bucks grew weary with warnings from the despatchers to careless enginemen about crossing it.
The fire had taken everything ahead of him, and his hope of getting into communication with the despatchers was next dashed by the discovery that his instruments were wrecked.
Then one night the despatchers at the Bend couldn't get Montair for two hours.
The McCloud despatchers had promised the train to our division on time, and her smoke was due with the rise of the sun.
Despatchers were given the eleven, which meant Bucks; no lay-outs, no slows for the Yellow Mail.
But despatchers not having to do with them take no account of whiskers.
They knew there was a wreck, and understood there was mail in the ditch, and, with Doubleday frantic, the despatchers were trying to get the track to run a train down to Crockett's.
After Number Thirty had passed so impudently, Number One felt her way rather cautiously to Goose River, because the despatchers couldn't get the blamed station.
Tuesday morning the tall roadmaster came down fresh as sunshine and all day he worked with Bucks and the despatchers watching the line.
At five o'clock that morning despatchers and night men under the Wickiup gables, sitting moodily around the big stove, sprang to their feet together.
The despatchers were annulling, holding the freights and distributing passenger trains at eating stations.
For the first hour or two they kept tab on her with little trouble, but soon reports began to falter or fail, and the despatchers were reduced at last to mere rumors.
Is it because in the winter night the wind never sleeps in the gorge above the headquarters shack that despatchers talk yet of a wind that froze the wolf and the sheep and the herder to marble together?
The despatchers up in "DS" office were pleasant to work with and as competent a lot of men as ever touched a key.
At stated times during the day, the despatchers on duty on each division send full reports of all their trains to the divisions adjoining them on either side.
The despatchers only work eight hours a day, while the copy operators work twelve, so they work with two despatchers every day.
These reports keep thedespatchers fully informed as to what may be expected, and arrangements can be made to keep the trains moving without delay.
Many other despatchers had made serious errors, and in a measure outlived them; but here was a man who had grown gray in the service of railroads, with never a bad mark against him.
It had been told me that the despatchers had, on more than one occasion, complained of his impudence, but his ability was so marked and he was so prompt in answering and transacting business, that he was allowed to remain.
Therefore despatchers are chosen with very special regard for their fitness for the position.
Almost if not quite all depends on the clear-headedness and quick-witted grasp of the despatchers and strict obedience to orders by the trainmen.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "despatchers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.