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Example sentences for "descriptive poetry"

  • Descriptive poetry, or the nature epic, as it has been called, may be classed under didactic poetry.

  • Pastoral poetry is a species of descriptive poetry.

  • PAGE 80 If there be one example of descriptive poetry relating to landscape which throws upon the mind a complete natural scene during the process of reading, it is the beautiful chant of the Chorus in Oedipus Coloneus.

  • We will notice descriptive poetry first.

  • The distinction is very striking in descriptive poetry.

  • Description is not poetry because there is descriptive poetry, no more than science is poetry because there is such a thing as a didactic poem.

  • It is, in this sense, not correct to call poetry in which description is only the occasional ornament of a poem, and not its central subject, descriptive poetry.

  • This may be a useful indication for us in defining not what should, but what in practice has been called "descriptive poetry.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "descriptive poetry" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    brain fever; dear mistress; descriptive poetry; exactly similar; fallen timber; fish products; keep thyself; left them; many localities; merely said; mile south; modern practice; name like; never done; old gentleman; ordinary people; plain stitches; pointed instrument; she sat; showed himself; suppress insurrection; twice daily