When these had been released, the next step was to drag the partly derailed truck backwards along the line until it was clear of the other wreckage, and then to throw it bodily off the rails.
The newlyderailed truck became jammed with that originally off the line, and the more the engine pushed the greater became the block.
The Cape mail train has been detained here all day, the line ahead having been blown up, or some such thing, a train derailedand fired on, a Yeoman and several niggers killed, and other fellows injured.
Between Naauwpoort and De Aar we passed the derailed train.
In this case, had the couplings held, the derailed cars would not have gone over the embankment and but slight injuries would have been sustained.
Patience of the kind the good God has with us all, is due His derailed children.
For society habitually to bare its breast to the deadly strokes of derailed underdogs, just because they are derailed underdogs, is for society to spade at its own grave.
One glance at the derailed engine sufficed to show him the nature of the accident, and to inform him of the reason for it.
The train was derailed between St. Albans and Harpenden, sir.
His eyes followed the toilings of the train crews prying and heaving under the derailed car, with the yellow torch flares to pick them out; but his thoughts were far afield, with his dinner-table companion to beckon them.
The train had collided with a lorry and pushed it a few hundred yards, when the last truck had been derailed and the tank on it had crushed the lorry against the slight embankment.
The derailed truck was uncoupled, and the tank, none the worse for its adventure, climbed up the embankment and joined its fellows at the ramp.
There was a warning whistle, a straining of heavy chains, creakings and groanings from the derailed engine as if it objected to being pulled and hauled about, then the ponderous driving wheels began to turn slowly.
It was pleasant on the vast plain that stretched away in every direction from the derailed train.
As the crowd looked, they saw the derailed and helpless engine give a sort of shudder and shake, mount the inclined pieces of iron, and then slide upon the rails, settling down where it belonged.
Then word was given the engineer of the relief train to back down and haul the derailed locomotive back on to the track.
The frogs were adjusted under the derailed wheels, the jack-screws were braced to lift and push with the nicest accuracy, and all was ready for the attempt to back the engine in trial.
What words emphasized the act she could not hear, but the little deed of swift justice thrilled her curiously, and her heart warmed to him as it had when he had thrown off his coat to fall to work on the derailed engine of the Limited.
With the first thrill of the gripping tires Winton leaned from the window to watch the derailed trucks climb by half-inches up the inclined planes of the frogs.
The halt was in a little depression of the bleak plain, and the train-men were in conference over a badly-derailed engine when Winton came up.
Attempts at deficit control were derailed by Hurricane Ivan in September 2004, which required substantial government spending to repair the damage.
Almost immediately afterwards the train was derailed by stones placed on the line, and the leading truck upset, thus stopping the engine.
Meanwhile Mr. Winston Churchill, who had accompanied the expedition as a Press correspondent, collected some men and set to work to push the derailed truck off the line.
Men cursed and swore as they ran back and forth about the derailed passenger.
The freight was derailed and the first three cars completely demolished.
These leaped from one to another of the derailed cars, until a dozen belonging to both trains, as well as the west-bound locomotive, were enveloped in their cruel embrace.
The derailed wheels then bumped along over the sleepers, which they cut up in the most complete manner, the line for two hundred and thirty yards being converted into a tangled mass of twisted rails and broken splinters.
This happily took the way off the train, for a moment later the two derailed vehicles rolled over the soft embankment, here a couple of feet high, and lay on the ground below, all their wheels in the air.
Along this section the danger of being derailed by a loaded truck was not only possible but probable, provided the authorities at La Paz had already been warned.
To prevent this, the cross-ties should be long and well supported, and placed so close that a derailed engine cannot cut through them.
On the Loetschberg railway, a train was partly derailed by wind on emerging from a tunnel; one passenger killed, several injured.
The men of the derrick gang were righting the last of the derailed box-cars, and the crew of the wrecking-train was shifting the cripples into line for the return run to Angels.
Below the siding the big crane was heaving the derailed cars into line with methodical precision, but now it was Gridley's shop foreman who was giving the orders.
Lidgerwood was examining the cross-ties, which were cut and scarred by the flanges of many derailed wheels.
Unfortunately the derailed armoured car and truck blocked the line and had to be removed.
The explosion of a mine wrecked the train, and a hundred Boers who lined the banks of the cutting opened fire upon the derailed carriages.
On October 12th, the day after the declaration of war, an armoured train conveying two 7-pounders for the Mafeking defences was derailed and captured by a Boer raiding party at Kraaipan, a place forty miles south of their destination.
On August 31st he derailed another at Flip River to the south of Johannesburg, blowing up the engine and burning thirteen trucks.
On August 2nd a train coming up from Bloemfontein was derailedby Sarel Theron and his gang some miles south of Kroonstad.
Illustration: The Elephant That Derailedthe Train.
The engine had been derailed by the violence of the shock, and it would require some time before we could proceed.
There's a gondola derailed and a derrick smashed where we struck," reported Ralph.
The frightened passengers were huddled up, drenched to the skin, at the side of the gap, for Fogg had insisted on their taking no risk remaining in the derailed coach.
The passengers of the derailed coach were taken to shelter in a coach which backed to Widener.
We came up the track hunting for signs of a derailed train, and we found them.
The animal cars were on ahead, safe, and the sections following the derailed coaches had, by a fortunate chance, not left the rails.
The tank was carried in one of the cars of the derailed train.
The circus trains ahead of the derailed one could keep on to their destination.
Of course the circus was late in getting in--that is the derailed train with its quota of performers was.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "derailed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.