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Example sentences for "depicts"

Lexicographically close words:
dephlogisticated; depict; depicted; depicting; depiction; depilation; depilatory; depind; deplete; depleted
  1. It depicts a rude, coarse face, but one full of energy and power.

  2. Jeffreys, whose narrative is tinged with romance, depicts the fondness and contentment of the women in lively colors.

  3. An examination of the colours in the series which depicts the life of Louis XIV, reveals a use of but seventy-nine colours.

  4. This depicts numerous scenes from "Paradise Lost" and from Milton's life.

  5. There is a sickness unto life, and this is the sickness that he depicts for us.

  6. It depicts a striking and interesting character and phase of life.

  7. The statue depicts him in his middle thirties when he was at the height of his exploration career.

  8. The monument depicts a bronze equestrian statue of George Washington on a stone base surrounded by huge figures of Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, General Andrew Lewis, John Marshall, George Mason and Thomas Nelson.

  9. Each is excellent, because it depicts character accurately and realistically, while unfolding a well-defined plot.

  10. Lilian Bell surely understands girls, for she depicts all the variations of girl nature so charmingly.

  11. It depicts the downfall of the great city upon which the wrath of God is visited.

  12. Such a capital plate, for example, which depicts a fire in the port of Bordeaux is actually untrue in its values.

  13. The first depicts a group of trees; to the right a narrow stream in which is reflected a cloudless sky.

  14. It depicts with skill the intense expression upon his handsome face, the expression of an artist absolutely absorbed in his work.

  15. The characters are obviously suggested by certain actual figures in local politics, and while the conditions he depicts are general in large cities in the United States, they will be unusually familiar to local readers.

  16. In "A Discovery concerning Ghosts" (1863) Cruikshank depicts the Devil as lifting a table with his tail and one hoof.

  17. His predilection for the curious and uncanny is shown in some striking plates, including that in which he depicts the terror of Dougal and Hutcheon as they mistake the ape squatting on Redgauntlet's coffin for "the foul fiend in his ain shape.

  18. Napoleon in that publication of August 1815, rashly stated by Mr Bruton to be the finest Napoleonic caricature, which depicts the imperial exile of St Helena as the Devil addressing a solar Prince Regent.

  19. The Good Effects of Carbonic Gas (1807) depicts one cat swooning and another cut off from the list of living prime donne by the maleficence of Winzer's illuminant.

  20. Appropriately enough, Hogarth's portrait appears in the clever etching which depicts Jack in chains sitting to two artists, the other being Sir James Thornhill.

  21. The inner circle depicts a triple Tau, with a hexagram where the bases join, and beneath is the Ace of Cups.

  22. It is idle to indicate that it depicts ruin in all its aspects, because it bears this evidence on the surface.

  23. Papus abandons the traditional form and depicts a woman wearing an Egyptian head-dress.

  24. The Mars card depicts a sword-bearing warrior in a canopied chariot, to which, however, no horses are attached.

  25. The phrase faithfully depicts the atheism of an unbelieving human heart; the fool hath said in his heart, "No God.

  26. The species of criminal which the parable depicts was not numerous,--the crime was not of daily occurrence.

  27. At a later date, a stele found north of Tell 'Ashtarah depicts Ramses II.

  28. The author of this artistic story of Iceland has caught the spirit of the times and men he depicts most happily.

  29. This romance of the "Tower of London" depicts the Tower as palace, prison and fortress, with many historical associations.

  30. He depicts the character of Tiberius and the court of Nero in vivid and lurid colors.

  31. He depicts in glaring colors the corruption and greed of the senate, and describes in glowing terms the successes and virtues of the popular hero Marius.

  32. One of these, copied from an ivory bow used in making fire, which he examined in the Museum of the Alaska Commercial Company of San Francisco, depicts three incidents in the Innuit hunter’s experience.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "depicts" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.