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Example sentences for "denie"

Lexicographically close words:
dener; dengue; denial; deniall; denials; denied; denieng; denier; deniers; denies
  1. There are other / and not afew / which do themselues also denie the truith known / and yet wyll not be accompted to be forsakers of it.

  2. But whosoeuer shall denie me before men / hym will I also denie before my father which is in heauen.

  3. Wherfor les I shuld be constrayned to confession / and so denie the faithe / I retayne faith in my harte / and by holding my peace I do dissemble for a tyme / I do not vtterly denye nor throw awaye all Religiõ.

  4. Knowest thou not, that such as denie their wholsome help and aid to them which lie in danger of death, ought to be punished, because they have offended against good manners, and the law naturall?

  5. Againe, if any man will denie this, he may for all me, that it may seeme to be but a dreame, while they are distracted into so many contrary opinions.

  6. But this naturall affection towarde our most deare of-spring is plainely seene in the heathen themselues: that whomsoeuer you totally depriue of this, you denie them also to bee men.

  7. Wilt thou denie that, which I knowe, by a certaine instinct and naturall agreement, which is, that thou art Alerane the sonne of the Duke of Saxone, and so renowmed throughout all Germany?

  8. But here base senses dictates they will dight With specious title of Philosophie, And stiffly will contend their cause is right From rotten rolls of school antiquitie, Who constantly denie corporall Infinitie.

  9. Had I (but O that envious Destinie, Or Stygian vow, or thrice accursed charm Should in this place free passage thus denie Unto my shafts as messengers of harm!

  10. Nor have we yet the face once to denie But that it is although we mind it not; For all once minded such perplexity It doth create to puzzled reason, that She sayes and unsayes, do’s she knows not what.

  11. Then when they came thither they kissed the same with great reuerence and besought vs to do the like, which we would not denie them, to the ende we might drawe them to be more friendship with vs.

  12. He was againe asked, whether he would denie that he had made anie such rode with the persons before named, and that in companie of them he entred not armed vnto the kings presence against the kings will and pleasure?

  13. He answered that he could not denie it, and wished that he had neuer seene them.

  14. To this he answered, that he could not denie it, but that he so did.

  15. Sidenote: The commōs denie to resist the duke of Lancaster.

  16. Vpon the first I need not stand, for few will denie it.

  17. Which though the liuing Scots denie it, their dead writers confesse that he came beyond Calender wood, and cast downe Camelon, the principall citie of the Picts.

  18. All which opinions as I absolutelie denie not, so I willinglie leane vnto none of them in peremptorie maner, sith the antiquitie of our historie carrieth me withall vnto the former iudgements.

  19. Germane came into Britaine (as before ye haue heard) this Vortigerne on a time should denie the same S.

  20. And as I deuided the Necromancers, into two sorts, learned and vnlearned; so must I denie them in other two, riche and of better accompt, poore and of basser degree.

  21. I shall with good will doe the best I can: But I thinke it the difficiller, since ye denie the thing it selfe in generall: for as it is said in the logick schools, Contra negantem principia non est disputandum.

  22. Doubtleslie who denyeth the power of the Deuill, woulde likewise denie the power of God, if they could for shame.

  23. Nay but swear then that I may be at peace, For I doe feel a weakness in my self, That can denie you nothing, if you tempt me, I shall embrace Sin as it were a friend, and run to meet it.

  24. I denie that, Sir, look you, I can dance without Musick, do you see, Sir?

  25. I am unworthy of, but yet denie not To let me know the place she hath made happy By having there her Sepulchre.

  26. You must not denie me, I must goe with you to Belmont Bass.

  27. I doe desire you Not to denie this imposition, The which my loue and some necessity Now layes vpon you Lorens.

  28. If you denie it, let the danger light Vpon your Charter, and your Cities freedome.

  29. Could she heere denie The storie that is printed in her blood?

  30. Gomera, 'twill be barbarous to denie A Lady, that unto your refuge flies, And seeks to shrowd her under virtues wing.

  31. Did this letter, love, conteine my death, 180 Should you denie my sight of it, I would not Nor see my sorrow nor eschew my danger, But willinglie yeeld me a patient Unto the doome that your displeasure gave.

  32. Beleeve me, lasse, I am the Lincolne earle: I not denie but, tyred thus in rags, I lived disguisd to winne faire Peggies love.

  33. Indéede I denie not but Spirites haue many times vanished away vpon the saying of =Aue Marie=, but it was so doone, that men might therby be confirmed in their superstition.

  34. In the meane time we do not denie the power of God, as some do maliciously report of vs: but we wold not haue the same made a denne or couert of errors.

  35. Ethelbert king of Kent (after he saw the Britains to disdaine and denie their subiection vnto Augustine, by whome he was conuerted to the christian [Sidenote: Acts and monuments, pag.

  36. But what if he be fleshfond and wanton, may she not lawfully denie it him?

  37. Secondly, you wil not denie but he which reaueth the soule, wherein consisteth life, is a murtherer.

  38. He could not denie it, if he were aliue, nor those defend hym now that Tullies // loue him best.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "denie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.