To demit from a lodge is to resign one's membership, on which occasion a certificate of good standing and a release from all dues is given to the applicant, which is technically called a demit.
A few Grand Lodges have denied the right of a Mason permanently to demit from the Order.
With these restrictions and qualifications, it cannot be doubted that every Master Mason has a right to demit from his lodge at his own pleasure.
The right to demit or resign never has, until within a few years, been denied.
Yas suh, my folks used to talk a heap and tell me lots of tales of slavery days, and how de patrollers used to whip em when dey wanted to go some place and didn't have de demit to go.
Yas suh, dey had to have a demit to go any place outside work hours.
My own chieftaincy I could demit without regret, knowing that it would fall into your hands.