In thedelineative arts Chamber music shows analogy with correct drawing and good composition, the absence of which cannot be atoned for by the most gorgeous coloring.
Plastic and Delineative Art Like architectural art, and, if possible, still more completely, the plastic and delineative arts were not so much matured by Grecian stimulus as developed from Greek seeds on Italian soil.
It is not to be assumed that these examples represent the best delineative skill of the Chiriquian artist.
Chiriquian art presents a strong contrast to this, as the great body of elements are manifestly derived from nature by delineative imitation.
It is probable, however, that the idea of weaving complex ideographic characters would not occur to the primitive mind at a very early date, and a long period of progress would elapse before delineative subjects would be attempted.
Each delineative element upon entering the textile realm is forced into those peculiar conventional outlines imposed by the geometric construction, the character of which has already been dwelt upon at considerable length.