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Example sentences for "defterdar"

Lexicographically close words:
defrauds; defray; defrayed; defraying; deft; deftest; deftly; deftness; defunct; defuncti
  1. During the Mamelook supremacy over Syria, which corresponded in date with Leonardo's time, the office of Defterdar was the third in importance in the State.

  2. I have placed foremost of these documents the very remarkable letters to the Defterdar of Syria.

  3. Defterdar hane was, in former times, the name given to the Ministry of Finance at Constantinople; the Minister of Finance to the Porte is now known as the Mallie-Nazri and the Defterdars are his subordinates.

  4. With regard to my suggestion that Leonardo's Diodario might be identical with the Defterdar of former times, the late M.

  5. I bring a letter for Haly Pasha, from the Defterdar of Lippa," said the csikos, searching for something in the pocket of his fur pelisse, so far as his caracolling steed would allow him.

  6. The defterdar duly delivered the message of the enraged Prince to the Grand Vizier.

  7. Complicity with the defterdar in looting.

  8. When Ibrahim proposed to take the title of Serasker‐Sultan, the defterdar attempted to dissuade him and thus aroused Ibrahim’s resentment.

  9. At length Ibrahim accused the defterdar of taking money from the royal treasury, and brought witnesses against him who were probably in Ibrahim’s pay.

  10. There was also an ostentatious display of wealth, the defterdar and the grand vizir each attempting to send to the army a larger number of more richly equipped soldiers, and each considering the other’s contribution mean.

  11. Ibrahim naturally had many enemies, among them the most influential ones being the defterdar Iskender Chelebi, and Roxelana, the favorite wife of Suleiman.

  12. Suleiman’s conviction of his vizir’s guilt was further strengthened, as the Turkish chronicles relate, by a vision in which the murdered defterdar appeared surrounded by a celestial halo.

  13. The Defterdar was fond of justice, after a fashion, and his mode of administering it was characteristic.

  14. At last, alter a most successful campaign, the Defterdar returned to his palace at Cairo, which was reported to be filled with treasure.

  15. The sensitive justice of the Defterdar was roused by this complaint.

  16. Again they fought in despair, preferring death by their own swords to the tortures which they knew the merciless Defterdar would inflict upon them now that he had got them completely in his power.

  17. The terrified defterdar sent a messenger through a secret passage into the street, to convey intelligence of what had happened to the viceroy.

  18. On the following morning the defterdar gave the troops half their pay, the sum raised by the tax imposed on the foreigners not being sufficient to liquidate the whole amount.

  19. The messenger returned by the same secret passage to his master, and delivered the viceroy's message, and the delighted defterdar presented himself on the balcony once more.

  20. On the following morning he announced to his soldiers that the defterdar was innocent, and the viceroy alone guilty.

  21. Come to the citadel, to my defterdar to-morrow morning, and he will pay you.

  22. If the defterdar does not pay up we will tear him to pieces, and pay ourselves with his flesh!

  23. My defterdar shall take the necessary steps at once.

  24. His defterdar is very skillful in the art of getting money, and who should understand the art if not the minister of finance?

  25. The defterdar has hardly had time to convey the warning to the viceroy: "Do not detain him here too long, highness.

  26. For the second time they fiercely demanded money, and called for the defterdar with such savage cries that he was compelled to show himself.

  27. With a haughty smile, the defterdar following, he descended the broad stairway of his palace, and cordially greeted the soldiers standing about the gateway, who received him with shouts of joy.

  28. He instructs the defterdar to go in person to Mohammed Ali to request him to come to the viceroy.

  29. The defterdar withdrew, and the Nubian slave opened the door to admit the general.

  30. Footnote 81: The Defterdar at the period of our tale was a relative of Mohammed Ali, and was an officer possessed of vast power and influence.

  31. At the sound of that dreaded name, and at the sight of the pistol still pointed at his face, the unfortunate Defterdar grew speechless with affright; a cold perspiration broke out upon his forehead, and his tongue clove to his palate.

  32. Such were the terms in which the unhappy Defterdar bewailed his fate, and prepared to enclose to the Viceroy a full report of his misfortune, together with the receipt left by the audacious outlaw.

  33. The astonished Defterdar said in a hesitating tone that, although he had no doubt of the authority under which his guest was acting, he could not transfer such a charge without direct instructions from the Viceroy.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "defterdar" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.