Alternate; fleshy; spatulate; six to ten lines long; sessile; crowded in rosettes at the ends of the decumbent branches.
Its decumbent stems are thickly clothed with small, ovate, stemless leaves, and its silvery foliage makes a beautiful setting for its large golden flowers.
Equi the whole costa is covered with short decumbent hairs or bristles; in Musca pagana F.
In the Trichoptera Order, as their name imports, they are covered with minute decumbent hairs, less easily seen but still existing in the secondary pair.
The frond is long and narrow, and rarely rises erect, but usually is decumbent or reclined in position.
Smooth, aquatic, or nearly so, decumbent or floating.
Many plants habitually propagate by means ofdecumbent shoots and runners.
A decumbent shoot which, without the aid of man, takes root and forms an independent plant.
Layers are made by simply covering the decumbent canes at the joints.
When shorter decumbent hairs thickly cover any space, as in the Bombyces dorso cristato L.
I refer Higley and Raddin's[78] record to the decumbent variety.
VanGorder's and Bradner's records may also be the decumbent form.
It is a slender, smooth plant, with a branched stem, more or less decumbent at the base, from four to twelve inches high.
Peplus)--is a smaller plant, seldom exceeding a foot in length, with an erect or decumbentstem branching at the bottom.
It is a tender, succulent plant; with a decumbent stem, either simple, or branched near the top, and rooting at the base.
The bosomy vapours of Dove's soul are the palette upon which the decumbent sun of his spirit casts its vivid orange and scarlet colours.
The decumbent character of the vegetation and the practical absence of trees form the most striking features of the flora in both the Faroes and Iceland.
Epilobium latifolium occurred among the stones in the glacier streams, and a very decumbent form of Epilobium alpinum was common on the hillsides.
Stems are erect or ascending, sometimes decumbent at base, and rooting at the nodes, stout or slender, 6 inches to 2 feet long.
Stems are tufted, erect or slightly decumbent at the base, 1 to 2 feet long.
The stems are erect or slightly decumbent below, slender, rather compressed towards the base, leafy at the base, simple or branched, densely tufted and varying in length from 1 to 3 or 4 feet.
Stems are creeping and spreading from the root, and ascending from a decumbent base, generally slender and small, but sometimes large and proliferously branched, leafy, 3 to 7 inches long.
The stems are creeping below, erect above, and with roots in the lower internodes of the decumbent part of the stem, smooth, dull green or partly purplish.
The branches are tufted and are usually decumbentat base, leaves quite green and somewhat broad in S.
These are tall leafy slender perennial grasses, with branching stems erect or geniculately ascending from a creeping or decumbent base.
The stems are slender at first, slightly decumbent at the base and then erect, covered at base with silkily villous sheaths, branches freely above before flowering, the lower portion of stems alone being leafy.
D Decumbent reclining but with the upper part ascending, 80.
This is a tall perennial grass with a creeping root-stock bearing erect stems and occasionally decumbent or prostrate stolons.