My impulse, when I read that sad message from my dead mother, was to rise from my bed and saddle the horse and return, cost what it might, to Kilgorman.
Kilgorman held the spirit of my dead mother, waiting to be relieved of its trouble.
But shame, and the memory of that pathetic message from my dead mother, held me to my purpose.
There 's no peace for me, nor understanding the word of love, till I hear by whom I was left a babe on the bosom of a dead mother.
Each time he was remarkably uneasy and low-spirited after his return, and had three masses said for my dead mother.
The room which they enter seems sacred with the potentialities of motherhood, so that a man sleeping there sees his own dead mother return to him among the babes.
My dead mother used to say that there are always more good things in a poor family which was once rich than in a rich one which was formerly poor.
No one was permitted to cross the threshold except herself and an elderly nun, whom the Clares had sent for the sake of the wounded man's dead mother.
A certain Frau Lerch, who when a girl had served Barbara's dead mother as waiting maid, and now worked as a dressmaker for the most aristocratic women in Ratisbon, privately obtained this employment.
Uncle Ben, I am speaking of that woman who so unworthily took my dead mother's place!
Of course it will, Susette; for they will be kind to me for my dead mother's sake.
Years of wrong and injustice had made her scorn this woman who filled her dead mother's place so unworthily, and she made few efforts to conceal her feelings.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dead mother" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.