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Example sentences for "dead mother"

  • My impulse, when I read that sad message from my dead mother, was to rise from my bed and saddle the horse and return, cost what it might, to Kilgorman.

  • Kilgorman held the spirit of my dead mother, waiting to be relieved of its trouble.

  • But shame, and the memory of that pathetic message from my dead mother, held me to my purpose.

  • There 's no peace for me, nor understanding the word of love, till I hear by whom I was left a babe on the bosom of a dead mother.

  • Each time he was remarkably uneasy and low-spirited after his return, and had three masses said for my dead mother.

  • The room which they enter seems sacred with the potentialities of motherhood, so that a man sleeping there sees his own dead mother return to him among the babes.

  • My dead mother used to say that there are always more good things in a poor family which was once rich than in a rich one which was formerly poor.

  • No one was permitted to cross the threshold except herself and an elderly nun, whom the Clares had sent for the sake of the wounded man's dead mother.

  • A certain Frau Lerch, who when a girl had served Barbara's dead mother as waiting maid, and now worked as a dressmaker for the most aristocratic women in Ratisbon, privately obtained this employment.

  • Uncle Ben, I am speaking of that woman who so unworthily took my dead mother's place!

  • Of course it will, Susette; for they will be kind to me for my dead mother's sake.

  • Years of wrong and injustice had made her scorn this woman who filled her dead mother's place so unworthily, and she made few efforts to conceal her feelings.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dead mother" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    dead animals; dead calm; dead child; dead faint; dead game; dead horse; dead horses; dead knight; dead language; dead letter; dead line; dead matter; dead person; dead shot; dead silence; dead sure; dead woman; dead wood; deadly earnest; even after; friend here; lateral view; life shall; peculiar manner; please don; sound philosophy