In the fall of 1895, my brother found the carcass of a dead horse.
I took him out of the trap, took the trap, and followed his track for about one-half mile toward the top of the Butte, and found a dead horse.
Find where there is a dead horse or cow in a draw, or some place where there are a number of trails leading toward it.
If you have to set traps at a dead horse out in the open, put one just behind the hips, and one in between his feet where he lays.
I will say one and then you must say two; I will say three, and you must say four and so on; but each time we must say after the number “a dead horse.
I say one a dead horse, and you must say two a dead horse.
For my part I wouldn’t care to eat a dead horse.
But for Sargon, the royal shield-bearer, who dragged me from under a broken chariot and a dead horse, I had never lifted spear again.
From some vantage points along the shore, such as Dead Horse Point (fig.
Some idea of the enormous volume of rock thus removed is apparent when you look down some 2,000 feet to the river from any of the high overlooks, such as Dead Horse Point (fig.
Asked us what good is hay to a dead horse, and knew we were having dinner at Lazada's.
What good is hay to a dead horse," he said and walked away.
The only thing I'm sure of is that he wasn't looking for information when he asked what good is hay to a dead horse.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dead horse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.