What is it that points out to him the vague idea of beauty, if he does not attach it to some object that has struck his senses in a peculiar manner, to which, in consequence, he attributes this quality?
So I did the charm over again, and touched my eyes and my lips and my hair in a peculiar manner, and said the old words from the fairy language, so that I might be sure I had not been carried away.
While a waiting woman was generally considered as a help meet for a chaplain in holy orders of the Established Church, the widows and daughters of opulent citizens were supposed to belong in a peculiar manner to nonconformist pastors.
A second religious ordinance relates to the shirt; this must be cut of a certain length and breadth, and consist of nine seams, which are folded over each other on the breast in a peculiar manner.
When it has become white and fine, it is placed in a kind of linen winnowing-fan, which is kept damp in a peculiar manner.
Sometimes the nervous affection in diphtheria is localized in a peculiar manner; it seems as if there is a predisposition on the part of a certain nerve to become diseased.
The pavement epithelium becomes altered in a peculiar manner.
As the laws are modelled at present, it cannot be denied that the debtor, in some cases, lies in a peculiar manner at the mercy of his creditor.
Defn: In a peculiar manner; particulary; in a rare and striking degree; unusually.
They have a diversion similar to that described by Homer as practised among the Phaeacians, which consists in tossing an elastic wicker ball or round basket of split rattans into the air, and from one player to another, in a peculiar manner.
Their writing is entirely in the modified Arabic character, and upon paper previously ruled by means of threads drawn tight and arranged in a peculiar manner.
These are of a greenish yellow, scarcely distinguishable from the leaves, among which the bunches hang down in a peculiar manner.
Thus, as the private affection makes us in a peculiar manner sensible of humanity, justice or injustice, when exercised towards ourselves, love of our neighbour would give us the same kind of sensibility in his behalf.
The inward frame of man does in a peculiar manner answer to the external condition and circumstances of life in which he is placed.
In a peculiar manner; particulary; in a rare and striking degree; unusually.
The advantages of this Government are felt, in a peculiar manner, by the mercantile and commercial States; the agricultural States have not the same strong reasons for maintaining the Union.
With respect, however, to the Federal Government, there is one consideration that shows, in a peculiar manner, the necessity and policy of paying a strict attention to this principle.
We shall then have the strong motive of interest acting in favor of the Government in a peculiar manner.
These oblique threads twist themselves round the vertical ones, and also cross each other betwixt them, in a peculiar manner, which may be readily understood by examining the representation.
The next important application of this siliceous substance is in the formation of gun-flints, for which purpose it must be cut in a peculiar manner.
And this present time, which is a time wherein religion is in danger, by so many corruptions in doctrine and practice, is in a peculiar manner a day wherein such ministers are necessary.
Her voice faltered just the least bit, she smiled faintly; and as we were looking straight at each other I observed that her eye's were glistening in a peculiar manner.
Marlow had the habit of pursuing general ideas in a peculiar manner, between jest and earnest.
Her voice faltered just the least bit, she smiled faintly; and as we were looking straight at each other I observed that her eyes were glistening in a peculiar manner.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "peculiar manner" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.