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Example sentences for "country road"

  • Thus every traveller on a country road is surrounded by monuments more ancient, more impressive, and more beautiful than the ancient or modern world can show as the production of human hands.

  • Then, again, a country road is a good place to become acquainted with some forms of animal and vegetable life.

  • Nor is smooth and slippery ice, in country road or city street, a defect for which a town or city is liable, if the road whereon the ice accumulates is reasonably level and well constructed.

  • She pointed to where the village main thoroughfare ended in a country road.

  • It led down the village main street and thence along a country road till it came to a sort of cross roads.

  • Beneath them was a green meadow, bordered on one side by a country road and on the other by a small brook of clear water and a patch of dark woods.

  • Along a country road in Poland went this party in charge of the German who tramped heavily along, urging them forward.

  • He turned and walked away into the darkness beyond the round circle of light cast by the last street lamp on the street that now became a country road leading to the next town to the east.

  • Mary went to the end of Wilmott Street and came out upon a country road.

  • The sense of it had been in him when as a boy he watched the totals grow in the yellow bankbook, and now and then he recognised it in Telfer talking on a country road.

  • Mike McCarthy, the man who had denied God and who had won a place for himself in the affection of the newsboy, had assaulted a man with a pocket knife and had left him bleeding and wounded beside a country road.

  • Going to her house she whistled the collie dog and set out along a country road.

  • He had walked bareheaded through Main Street and out along a country road.

  • In Rue d'Argenteuil, leading out of Rue St-Roch, once a country road, stood until recent years the house where Corneille died.

  • Walking on a country road, or anywhere in the "open," was irksome to him.

  • The very small boy with the very large gun was standing in a country road.

  • Young lady on a country road in a Ford car which has bucked and refuses to move, asks a farmer who is plowing in an adjoining field--"Do you know anything about a Ford?

  • One afternoon this statesman was proceeding along a country road when he saw a cottager eating his supper alone in the road before his dwelling.

  • They were bowling along the quiet country road, only the chirp of many locusts, the rumble of the wheels, and the sound of their own voices to break the stillness.

  • Presently, however, as they left the city and turned out upon a country road, the lessening heat and freer stirring of the air became distinctly perceptible.

  • If so, you are undoubtedly wondering how it happens that we find them on this bright morning in early September swinging along a country road on Long Island.

  • Illustration: “Swinging along a country road on Long Island.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "country road" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    being acted; country called; country church; country clergyman; country districts; country doctor; country flight; country folk; country home; country houses; country parson; country people; country school; country seat; country store; fresh stock; generally admitted; human events; music hall; not difficult; spiritual body; tarry here; that even; truly national; white male; white waistcoat