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Example sentences for "day the"

  • To-day the church of Lorsch presents no remarkable architectural features, and is simply an attractive and picturesquely environed building containing a few monuments worthy of note.

  • To-day the aspect of Arnheim is that of a quaint though modern-looking Dutch city.

  • To-day the Vánar troops shall close Around the city of our foes.

  • Janak’s dear child who ne’er has met With aught save joy and comfort yet, Will reach to-day the forest, worn And wearied with the brakes of thorn.

  • Why sounds not, as of old, to-day The music of the minstrel’s lay?

  • Even to-day the practice of picking boughs in order that they may blossom at Christmas is to be found in some parts of Austria.

  • On New Year's Day the cutting is opened, and the future is augured from the markings found.

  • While to-day the interests of the capitalists is the determining factor, the interests of all will then be the guide.

  • To-day the science is greatly abused in the interest of adulterations and fraud.

  • There was a time when the man who was the shrewdest and sharpest and cunningest in taking advantage of others got the biggest salary; but to-day the man at the other end of the bargain is looming up as never before.

  • But to-day the nobles of Russia have no superiors in manners.

  • To-day the name of Ward is that of the most prosperous of all Americans sculptors.

  • I came to Winchester," he writes, "on the Lord's Day the 28th of September.

  • As we see it to-day the keep of Porchester Castle resembles that of Rochester, not only in its appearance, though there it comes short, but in its arrangement.

  • Individuals, here and there, have won this public confidence to a surprising degree and are demonstrating day by day the ability of men and women to do business according to approved business methods.

  • To-day the church, especially in our race, is the center of both our social and Christian life.

  • Over to-day the to-morrow bends With an answer for each acted prayer; And woe to him who makes not friends With the pale hereafter hovering there.

  • And they who do their souls no wrong, But keep at eve the faith of morn, Shall daily hear the angel-song, To-day the Prince of Peace is born.

  • TO-DAY The hours of rest are over, The hours of toil begin; The stars above have faded, The moon has ceased to shine.

  • And voices chanted clear and sweet, "To-day the Prince of Peace is born.

  • And they who do their souls no wrong, But keep at eve the faith of morn, Shall daily hear the angel song, "To-day the Prince of Peace is born!

  • About mid-day the first of these arrived, consisting of a band of fifty Mohawks, under their chiefs, Norton and Brant.

  • Acetylene plants were introduced to a considerable extent some time ago and to-day the self-contained home-lighting electric plant is being installed in large numbers in the country homes of the land.

  • In the woods to-day the craftsman of the wilds keeps on the lookout for live trees saturated with highly inflammable ingredients.

  • To-day the State made distribution in this city of cotton cloth, three yards to each member of a family, at $5.

  • It is understood that the President announced to Congress to-day the arrest of the Hon.

  • As the forest Pygmy group represents to-day the completion of the first stage of human evolution, so the patriarchal empire of China represents that of the second.

  • In savage tribes to-day the wife is an ill-treated drudge.

  • To-day the apes of Gibraltar are the only ones existing in a wild state in Europe, and it is doubtful if they are of an original stock.

  • To-day the kindergarten is found in some form in nearly all countries in the world, having been carried to all continents by missionaries, educational enthusiasts, and interested governments.

  • To-day the death-rate from tuberculosis among our Indian wards is from three to six times that of the surrounding white populations.

  • To-day the guinea-pig is our burnt offering against a plague as deadly as any sent into Egypt.

  • Even to-day the tendency to regard mere bitterness or distastefulness as a medicinal property in itself has not entirely died out.

  • In religion to-day the dance is dead save for the dance of the choristers before the altar at Seville.

  • To-day the generality of mankind, even in professed Christianity, do not care to hear the practical truths of the gospel as we have recorded in part first of this work.

  • To-day the teachers in Babylon and their subjects are in darkness concerning church organization.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "day the" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    aesthetic emotion; burning fiery; day and; day and ceased saying her permitted; day beacon near the; day the; days after; days before; days each; days from; days gone; heard something; monument erected; other saints; political reform; preventive measures; rose window; second growth; secret entrance; should imagine; that account; then should; thou shalt not build; what passes; will tell you why; wish that