To-day the church of Lorsch presents no remarkable architectural features, and is simply an attractive and picturesquely environed building containing a few monuments worthy of note.
To-day the aspect of Arnheim is that of a quaint though modern-looking Dutch city.
To-day the Vánar troops shall close Around the city of our foes.
Janak’s dear child who ne’er has met With aught save joy and comfort yet, Will reach to-day the forest, worn And wearied with the brakes of thorn.
Why sounds not, as of old, to-day The music of the minstrel’s lay?
Even to-day the practice of picking boughs in order that they may blossom at Christmas is to be found in some parts of Austria.
On New Year's Day the cutting is opened, and the future is augured from the markings found.
While to-day the interests of the capitalists is the determining factor, the interests of all will then be the guide.
To-day the science is greatly abused in the interest of adulterations and fraud.
There was a time when the man who was the shrewdest and sharpest and cunningest in taking advantage of others got the biggest salary; but to-day the man at the other end of the bargain is looming up as never before.
But to-day the nobles of Russia have no superiors in manners.
To-day the name of Ward is that of the most prosperous of all Americans sculptors.
I came to Winchester," he writes, "on the Lord's Day the 28th of September.
As we see it to-day the keep of Porchester Castle resembles that of Rochester, not only in its appearance, though there it comes short, but in its arrangement.
Individuals, here and there, have won this public confidence to a surprising degree and are demonstrating day by day the ability of men and women to do business according to approved business methods.
To-day the church, especially in our race, is the center of both our social and Christian life.
Over to-day the to-morrow bends With an answer for each acted prayer; And woe to him who makes not friends With the pale hereafter hovering there.
And they who do their souls no wrong, But keep at eve the faith of morn, Shall daily hear the angel-song, To-day the Prince of Peace is born.
TO-DAY The hours of rest are over, The hours of toil begin; The stars above have faded, The moon has ceased to shine.
And voices chanted clear and sweet, "To-day the Prince of Peace is born.
And they who do their souls no wrong, But keep at eve the faith of morn, Shall daily hear the angel song, "To-day the Prince of Peace is born!
About mid-day the first of these arrived, consisting of a band of fifty Mohawks, under their chiefs, Norton and Brant.
Acetylene plants were introduced to a considerable extent some time ago and to-day the self-contained home-lighting electric plant is being installed in large numbers in the country homes of the land.
In the woods to-day the craftsman of the wilds keeps on the lookout for live trees saturated with highly inflammable ingredients.
To-day the State made distribution in this city of cotton cloth, three yards to each member of a family, at $5.
It is understood that the President announced to Congress to-day the arrest of the Hon.
As the forest Pygmy group represents to-day the completion of the first stage of human evolution, so the patriarchal empire of China represents that of the second.
In savage tribes to-day the wife is an ill-treated drudge.
To-day the apes of Gibraltar are the only ones existing in a wild state in Europe, and it is doubtful if they are of an original stock.
To-day the kindergarten is found in some form in nearly all countries in the world, having been carried to all continents by missionaries, educational enthusiasts, and interested governments.
To-day the death-rate from tuberculosis among our Indian wards is from three to six times that of the surrounding white populations.
To-day the guinea-pig is our burnt offering against a plague as deadly as any sent into Egypt.
Even to-day the tendency to regard mere bitterness or distastefulness as a medicinal property in itself has not entirely died out.
In religion to-day the dance is dead save for the dance of the choristers before the altar at Seville.
To-day the generality of mankind, even in professed Christianity, do not care to hear the practical truths of the gospel as we have recorded in part first of this work.
To-day the teachers in Babylon and their subjects are in darkness concerning church organization.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "day the" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.