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Example sentences for "curtilage"

Lexicographically close words:
curtesie; curtesies; curtesy; curtesye; curteys; curtly; curtness; curtsey; curtseyed; curtseying
  1. The curtilage of a house is much the same as its courtyard, and would no doubt include a yard and garden adjoining the house, but not a field beyond.

  2. He shall also have the curtilage with the garden adjoining to the hall on the north side, as it is enclosed with hedges and ditches.

  3. The importance of the word in modern law depends on the fact that the curtilage marks the limit of the premises in which housebreaking can be committed.

  4. Critics of the plans which I have advocated, and am now about to advocate, sometimes hint that the whole curtilage of one's house must be unwholesomely sloppy.

  5. Every house shall have a minimum private curtilage upon the ground level, and entirely free from buildings which shall equal the cubic contents of the house divided by 50.

  6. That 'open spaces' and public gardens do not compensate for the lack of light and air in the dwelling or of curtilage around it.

  7. It is in the Strand, more than in any other district, that houses have been built of great height and enormous cubic capacity without any curtilage whatever.

  8. When a house abuts at the rear on a street or permanent 'open space,' then no private open space or curtilage need be provided.

  9. To a greater or less extent, throughout London the height of the houses has been gradually raised, and the available curtilage has been built upon.

  10. On the other hand, there need be no restrictions on the height or cubic contents of any building provided its curtilage be ample.

  11. The regular course of business would be as follows:--An owner A would put his house and curtilage in the Rate Book at £1200.

  12. The oath was for some singular reason deemed the especial privilege of young people, and was only thought offensive and visited with punishment when invoked within the curtilage of the dwelling.

  13. The prohibition, however, extended no farther than the four walls and curtilage of the dwelling, and they were free to make what use they liked of it out of doors.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "curtilage" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.