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Example sentences for "current events"

  • Aside from their functions of supplying fresh news and judgments of current events, libraries surely have a vital part in that work of organized research which is behind Germany's scientific and industrial efficiency.

  • Nearly all high schools have in their curriculum the study of current events, whether in history or oral English courses.

  • You will receive one number of THE GREAT ROUND WORLD for each number of Current Events due you on your subscription.

  • Daily newspapers may be used with advantage in schools to encourage children to read on current events and to verify references.

  • The study of current events will be found to be a very valuable element in history teaching.

  • The use of local history and of current events will be treated elsewhere.

  • In fact, the teaching of civics may be based almost entirely on current events.

  • Once in a while the specialty of a lesson may be a study of current events in their bearing on missions or on the temperance reform.

  • To make the scholars feel this through wise references to current events is immensely to broaden their conception of the church and its work.

  • It is not proposed to turn our Sunday-schools into classes for the study of current events.

  • The Church was making history during those days and special care was taken to give an exact record of current events.

  • His history, during those times, showed him to be a close student of current events which he interpreted in the light of God's revelations in this dispensation.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "current events" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    century earlier; current from; current issues; current money; current setting; current through; current will; currently vacant; dined yesterday; distant country; excellent domestic and international; fine sight; fine writing; first arrived; good comfort; great attention; long stretch; melt them; next reached; other grounds; our love; private individual; right welcome; royal mistress; these letters; will usually