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Example sentences for "cuddling"

Lexicographically close words:
cud; cudden; cuddent; cuddle; cuddled; cuddy; cude; cudgel; cudgeled; cudgeling
  1. Soothing and cuddling him, for somehow I felt that was what the child needed, I asked: "How did you hurt yourself, Kid?

  2. Holy John had awakened in the dim, early dawn and found the skeleton of the Apache chief cuddling against him.

  3. You're to be pitied, you see, until you get over this absurd habit of cuddling down among the pillows.

  4. And there she was forgetful of caution among other things, kissing and cuddling the frightened child, asking him if he didn't know her and telling him he was a good little Sonnikins whom nobody in the world would hurt!

  5. Katrine, squatting down by the arm-chair, and cuddling her mother's hand.

  6. He knew she was here to get her eyes on the grave little chap he was cuddling from sight, but he had no intention of sharing the tiny pilgrim with any one whose attentions would, he deemed, afford a trial to the nerves.

  7. The summer-born baby dispenses with clothing for the first six months of its earthly pilgrimage, cuddling its little bare body close to its mother's back under her artikki, or upper garment, which has been made voluminous to accommodate him.

  8. The drinking and thinking ceremony is performed by all in succession, down to the last naked baby cuddling in its mother's artikki, the little child that cannot yet speak.

  9. For a moment there was silence between them, he continuing to smooth back her hair, she cuddling the tighter, her usual way.

  10. She was comforting him and cuddling and petting him, and those around her were exclaiming as young girls will: "Isn't he a dear!

  11. She leaned over the bed, half dressed as she was, and murmured pretty cooing phrases, kissing and cuddling him to contented laughter.

  12. Clear and bright in the lamplight stood Lennart with his right arm cuddling the girl to his side.

  13. Here, cuddling down almost luxuriously into loose dry sand, still warm from yesterday's sun, he waited for that hint of light in the far east to grow strong enough for him to see.

  14. When we recovered our senses, she lay down by my side, cuddling me most closely, and toying and prattling, until she thought we had paused long enough.

  15. He was surprised and delighted at finding me by his side, but as yet had no idea but that of cuddling and caressing me.

  16. Then after toying and cuddling on the bed for a time, she said they must now proceed to a little further castigation, on her bottom this time, as he had promised to give her a double dose.

  17. It's this way, Addy dear," said Nancy, cuddling up to his waistcoat and giving a sigh of delight that there were so many nice people in the world.

  18. Meantime Phronsie had sat right down on the floor, and was cuddling up the doll without any face, against the little yellow cat.

  19. And in a minute Polly was in their midst, her arms around Phronsie, and cuddling her to her heart's content.

  20. Traversing the grove which encircled the newly clipped lawn, now fragrant with sun-crisped grass-tips left in the wake of the mower, he glanced up at the pretty mermaid mother cuddling her tiny offspring against her throat.

  21. Father tried not to laugh, which was a sign that you could scramble into bed with him, you on one side and Lizbeth on the other, cuddling down close while Mother went to see about breakfast.

  22. The wolf-wind howled at the door, and you shuddered, cuddling down in Mother's arms and the glow.

  23. The same sort of couples were to be seen cuddling about as on the previous night; the same whispering, squealing ad scuffling a little way off in the dark lanes.

  24. Off went her chemise, and the next instant cuddling up to me, she was tugging at my prick, kissing me, and using every salacious stimulant.

  25. Suddenly it struck me from the scuffle I had heard in the barn, that she and the page were very intimate, and said as a random shot, "You would not mind Robert cuddling you, would you now?

  26. Then I fell fast asleep on the edge of the bed cuddling Mabel.

  27. His hand was the first that touched Jane's when she came down the gangplank, Martha beside him, holding out her arms for the child, cuddling it to her bosom, wrapping her shawl about it as if to protect it from the gaze of the inquisitive.

  28. Rex had been watching his master with ears cocked, and was now on his haunches, cuddling close, his nose resting on the doctor's knee.

  29. And then one swift, cuddling memory of little Maizie alone in bed across the street brought the hot tears to Suzanna's eyes, but she winked them resolutely back as she lifted the black, shiny bag.

  30. She put the tray down on the bedside table and pulled the girl across the room and coaxed her into the bed, rubbing the small bandaged foot, cuddling the quilts about her, as she tucked the pillows.

  31. Every one felt the need of a pet at times, and Baby was always ready to accommodate, for kissing and cuddling suited him excellently.

  32. And he would go off to sleep cuddling the pillow, as though it were the head of the basilisa, his closed eyes continuing to see the black eyes of the regal SeƱora, maternal and affectionate.

  33. And night overwhelmed him, cuddling his pillow as when he was a child, and falling asleep enraptured with thoughts of the young widow of "Vatacio the Heretic.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cuddling" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    caressing; dalliance; fondling; nestling; petting