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Example sentences for "cuddent"

Lexicographically close words:
cucumbers; cucurbit; cucurbitaceous; cud; cudden; cuddle; cuddled; cuddling; cuddy; cude
  1. Evidently they were fitted with sockets, for, once they were joined together, they stuck in place.

  2. Vladivostok at risk of his life, could only grip his hand and swallow hard.

  3. Wiv a greet deal to de they gat him to rise; But when he gat up, what was his surprise, When he sought for the hole where the bullet had gyen, But sought it in vain, for he cuddent find yen.

  4. There was Punch fed his bairn wiv a ladle, And ga'd some kirn milk for to lyep; Then he thumpt it till he wasn't yebbel, Because the poor thing cuddent gyep.

  5. He tauks o' the millions expenses Browt on us by gannin te war: But he maun be a man o' greet senses, Or he cuddent hae reckon'd sae far.

  6. Fra there aw went alang the Brig, and up to Jackson's Chare, Then back agyen to the Cross Keys, but cuddent find thee there.

  7. I war wus skeered than hurt, and if you'll go to the house and beg me off from the old folks, I'll never let on you cuddent tell copperas breeches from bar-skin.

  8. I thot sure you cuddent stand it till mornin, speshully arter I heerd the screech-owl holler!

  9. I knew I cuddent do much in the chase, so I told the fellers I would go to the cross-path stand, and wate for the bar, as he would be sarten to cum by thar.

  10. We've had fright enough over Joe an' the shark, an' I cuddent face the Boss an' the missus if anything happened to any of you here.

  11. I war wus skeered than hurt, and if you’ll go to the house and beg me off from the old folks, I’ll never let on you cuddent tell copperas breeches from bar-skin.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cuddent" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.