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Example sentences for "criticised"

Lexicographically close words:
critic; critica; critical; critically; criticise; criticises; criticising; criticism; criticisms; criticize
  1. The young women, prone at all times to pity other women's husbands, criticised Trudi's pale face, and secretly pitied Bill.

  2. We have already upon general considerations criticised the point of view which holds that ideality consists in reference to another content.

  3. This work was severely criticised by Mr. Charles Pearce in the Proceedings of a short-lived American society, and he was there answered by Mr. Gurney.

  4. Secretary Bryan has been very widely and enthusiastically criticised for these departures from tradition, but that does not seem to have troubled him in the least.

  5. Other decisions have been criticised for the same reason, notably those of the North Atlantic Fisheries and the Orinoco Steamship.

  6. Bishop Hampden's much-criticised Bampton Lectures had merely aimed at stating the accepted doctrines in terms other than those derived from schoolmen and mataphysicians.

  7. This was excellent when he criticised literature.

  8. But in that earlier essay he had merely criticised a critic; he had not originated criticisms of his own.

  9. Often I was criticised for the absurdity of my views.

  10. I have never been able to extract from my critics the title of a single book in which my etymologies and my mythological equations had been seriously criticised by real scholars.

  11. Here I cannot but reflect on the scholarly method of Mannhardt, who would have examined and criticised all the sources for the tale before trying to explain it.

  12. I have often criticised its logical method before, and need not repeat myself.

  13. Then I defended anthropological and criticised philological evidence.

  14. In journalism I criticised Mr. Max Muller, and I admit that, when comparing the mutually destructive competition of varying etymologies, I did not abstain from the weapons of irony and badinage.

  15. I myself criticised the Hibbert Lectures, in Mind; {116} on reading the essay over, I find no obloquy and no storm.

  16. Mr. Wilson has been severely criticised for this appeal.

  17. It was widely criticised at the time, and the phrase "watchful waiting" which he invented as a description of his Mexican Policy was made the object of much ridicule.

  18. I say this because I have criticised his military judgment in the removal of Johnston, and also in the appointment of Hood.

  19. His tactics have been severely criticised by Confederate writers, but I do not believe his fallen chief could have done any better under the circumstances.

  20. Belmont was severely criticised in the North as a wholly unnecessary battle, barren of results, or the possibility of them from the beginning.

  21. As Polly explained thus in earnest tones, everyone laughed at the two men so calmly criticised for their absorption in patents.

  22. No one had ever criticised that carpet rug before!

  23. The latter was now rich--the possessor of half a million dollars, and hence no longer to be criticised or blamed for having married a poor man.

  24. That estimable lady seemed to think that Edith's wealth was measured only by the number of checks in her check-book, and criticised her daughter loudly for her petty economies.

  25. The second, delivered a month later, is in part a defence and explanation of the earlier speech, which had been severely criticised by Lincoln's old opponent Judge Douglas.

  26. He reported their different theories of themselves to his family with the same simple-hearted interest that he criticised the song and dance artists of the vaudeville theatres.

  27. Later, in Parliament he made speeches, chiefly criticised as too good for the place and too high for the audience.

  28. He never alluded to Confederate management or criticised Jefferson Davis's administration.

  29. Other people criticised him for his manner of doing it, but never imitated him.

  30. When others criticised Mr. Seward, he was rather indifferent to their opinions because he thought they hardly knew what they were talking about, and could not be taught without living over again the London life of 1862.

  31. They quarrelled rather a good deal, criticised each other with startling frankness, and grew to be better friends than either realized.

  32. Those who criticised said that Norton was losing his nerve, or else that he was merely incompetent when measured by the yardstick of swift, incisive action wedded to capability.

  33. That it is worth the trouble to study Marx from all sides is not denied, and Gentile has now admirably expounded and criticised his youthful metaphysical ideas.

  34. Here again the procedure is repeated which we have already criticised in connection with the discussions upon the general concept of value.

  35. When the painter Juan Luna attracted so much attention with his picture Spoliarum it was not known that the artist was a Malay, and the work was therefore regarded and criticised from a purely artistic point of view.

  36. Such a provision as this may be criticised as the Czar of Russia's proposition for a universal disarmament is likely to be criticised--as admirable and millennial, but of no value if gradually adopted, and impossible of instant adoption.

  37. Every censure, every sarcasm respecting a publication which the critic, with the criticised work before him, can make good, is the critic's right.

  38. Even when he criticised some more fortunate writer, he was good-humored in his very satire; he had no bile, no envy.

  39. A sensible and polished observer, he criticised them without passion, and with a benevolent irony.

  40. Bentley has criticised it with great severity in his Philoleutheros Lipsiensis.

  41. Bouterwek has criticised Malherbe with some justice, but with greater severity.

  42. Another answer,” says Mackintosh, “is due to some of those who have criticised Grotius, and that answer might be given in the words of Grotius himself.

  43. Baillet, Jugemens des Sçavans, has criticised all these and several more.

  44. When the first Tabernacle was consumed by fire my utterances were criticised and my enthusiasm to rebuild it was misconstrued.

  45. His defence of General Peck, the American Commissioner-General, who was criticised by the American exhibitors, was made at length.

  46. Each society had a censor, who took notes of papers and discussions, and quietly criticised each performance when it ended.

  47. Because most women shrink from criticising this law, I have criticised it.

  48. How, we shall still have to ask, can a poet be said to have criticised life of whom such an ardent admirer as M.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "criticised" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.