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Example sentences for "creameries"

Lexicographically close words:
creaks; creaky; cream; creame; creamed; creamery; creaming; creams; creamy; creance
  1. In some creameries and cheese factories, the milk is skimmed and the cream made into butter and the skimmed-milk into cheese by the Cheddar process.

  2. The manufacture of cottage cheese in creameries and milk plants, U.

  3. Such a small holder, again, may be able to make a profit from dairying all the year round, provided local creameries are established, and he goes the proper way about it.

  4. Central creameries and tobacco-factories would work wonders in increasing the prosperity of certain districts.

  5. Perhaps one had to nip up to the Creameries to get a slice of salmon, or cutlets, or sausages.

  6. The Caterpillar was so exhausted by these labours that a protracted visit to the Creameries became imperative.

  7. He has been identified with the Borden Creameries five years and with the New Milford Branch two years, where he is now the manager.

  8. The various creameries owned by this company have up-to-date machinery for the condensing of cream.

  9. He was connected with the Brown & Bailey Creameries of Amity and Edenville five years.

  10. There are two grist mills and a saw mill, and one of the largest creameries for bottling and condensing milk in the county, owned by Borden's Milk Company, where 4,500 gallons of milk are received and shipped daily.

  11. Cheeseries and creameries would almost certainly have become more numerous than they are in England but for the rapidly expanding urban trade in country milk.

  12. Be this as it may, the operations of cheeseries and creameries in conjunction with the milk trade have led to the diminution of home dairying.

  13. The background for the statuary was arranged with the banner won by the Illinois creameries and two large United States flags, which were in keeping with the historical character of the two men represented.

  14. Soaking in brine as is usually done in the creameries is of some effect, but will not completely kill mold spores.

  15. Creameries and cheese factories are sometimes troubled with sliminess in starters.

  16. Before the farm inspection is carried out the creameries to which the milk is delivered by the farmers are inspected at the time the milk is being delivered.

  17. This property is also of importance in the dairy as in the preparation of dry starters for creameries and cheese factories.

  18. It is also probable that the by-products of creameries and cheese factories may serve to spread the disease from one herd to another.

  19. After a several years' intercourse, they introduced creameries there.

  20. Another extremely interesting fact is the sudden development in Southern West Siberia of very numerous co-operative creameries for making butter.

  21. Creameries and a milk-condensing plant are supported profitably to all concerned.

  22. The government operates a travelling dairy to instruct new settlers, and manages permanent creameries which produced over three million pounds of butter last year.

  23. The government offered a bonus to those owners of creameries who would provide cold-storage accommodation at them and keep the room in use for a period of three years.

  24. The creameries are provided with special cold storage rooms, into which the butter is placed on the same day in which it is made.

  25. Well, our study of creameries has given a great deal of language work, a good deal of arithmetic, some geography, and finally saved the people from a swindle.

  26. In fact, some creameries separate milk, only to mix milk and cream again, largely for the purpose of removing the impurities found in the slime.

  27. I suppose all parties dealing with creameries understand what the standard of measure or weight of butter-fat is, but it is my guess that there are thousands of farmers whom, if they were asked this question, would not know.

  28. They deliver their milk at the creameries every day and receive credit tickets for it, which are settled once a month.

  29. We have now in operation three hundred and fifty co-operative creameries to which forty thousand farmers contribute.

  30. These external signs of care and taste make a favorable impression upon the public, and the creameries are being constantly visited by people from all parts of the country.

  31. The creameries are setting an excellent example in planting ornamental shrubs around the buildings and forest trees for shelter, while several have laid out attractive gardens.

  32. With this end in view, co-operative creameries are favored and promoted by the company.

  33. The co-operative movement was apparent in northern Wisconsin, where numerous co-operative creameries have been organized among the settlers of various nationalities.

  34. Cooperative creameries and elevators in several States are said to have saved Grange members thousands of dollars.

  35. Then, when creameries were established in many places, the creamery was found a convenient place for the collection of eggs.

  36. As we have seen, cream in ordinary dairies and creameries invariably contains some bacteria, a large number of which are in no sense injurious.

  37. It is interesting to know that, as a result of the year's experience, creameries have been able to command a price varying from half a cent to two cents a pound more for the "culture" butters than for the uninoculated butters.

  38. Creameries which make the highest priced and the most uniform quality of butter are those in which the greatest care is taken in the barns and dairies to insure cleanliness and in the handling of the milk and cream.

  39. Moreover, it has been learned by experience that some creameries are incapable of obtaining an equally good ripening of their cream.

  40. With such attention a large portion of the trouble which arises in the creameries from malign bacteria may be avoided.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "creameries" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.