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Example sentences for "cratur"

Lexicographically close words:
craters; crates; crather; crathur; crathurs; crature; cratures; craturs; craue; craued
  1. A very learned man was Father Hogan, especially in casting out divils, and a portly good-looking man too, only he had a large rubicon nose, which people said he got by making over free with the cratur in sacret.

  2. I ken naething aboot him, foreby that he's a moothin' cratur frae the Croon Lans Depairtment, wi' no owre muckle brains.

  3. It's the cratur Scotty pulled out o' the black divils in Agypt.

  4. The cratur was jist runnin' wild in the bush when Colonel Denison caught him an' brought him out here.

  5. An' a wakely cratur as weel, greetin' an' whinin' like a bairn.

  6. Hoots, man, let the cratur alane," said Macleod, as he busied himself polishing up some dim parts of his rifle.

  7. What d'ee think that queer cratur Flynn is doin' doon below?

  8. I canna mak oot what sud set a great man like Milton sae sair agane a puir cratur like Cherles.

  9. He wad maybe be safter hertit till a fellow cratur syne.

  10. The puir cratur couldna bide the sough o' the claymore.

  11. It 'll be jist gran' to hae a cratur sae near leevin' to guide an' tak yer wull o'!

  12. Ye see he had a guid hert, but was a duller kin' o' cratur a'thegither, and cared for naething he could na see or hanle.

  13. In the very midst of them, Gavin said: "What did the cratur mean when he spoke aboot 'mixed metaphors'?

  14. Ye dinna tell me he gies ye noucht to mainteen the cratur upo?

  15. I ken I couldna ever lay a finger upo' the bonny cratur mysel!

  16. Wi leein, and haudin aff o' himsel, a man may grow a cratur no fit to be taen up wi the taings!

  17. It was too late, the cratur entered, but when he came in, behold the doctor to all appearance fast asleep.

  18. Keep him out,' cried the doctor, 'don't let the cratur in here.

  19. I saidna I was there efter dark, but the cratur micht hae seen me pass weel eneueh.

  20. Deed, he's no far aff ane 'at cud ca' a bonny cratur like that a brute!

  21. He's a bonny cratur and a willin,' answered the youth.

  22. The cratur scarce looks like a human being, and I misdoubt me whether you had better let him in.

  23. The little cratur a-twisting his shrivelled fingers about, that looks as if the bones were coming through the skin.

  24. I left my cratur a couple of days ago, and where I don't see him just now.

  25. I'm always in the habit of exchanging a few words wid the cratur when I maats, and such was the case a short time since, when I met him, after being away so long.

  26. I was that gled when the cat-wutted cratur fell amang his pipes gaun doon the stair in the mornin'; it served him richt.

  27. The puir cratur never saw a rale river in his life afore.

  28. Fancy a' that cairry-on ower a big, fat, cat-witted cratur like thon!

  29. Show your temper, Wullie John,' Duffy wad tell him when onybody was in the hoose; and the wee cratur was trained at that to put on a fearfu' face and haud up his claws.

  30. Dooble Sanny says 'at ye play jist as gin ye war my gran'father's fiddle hersel', turned into the bonniest cratur ever God made.

  31. Thereupon she murmured to herself "The cratur 'ill be seein' something!

  32. Eh, but he's a terrible cratur that Ma'colm MacPhail!

  33. Foul fa' 'im for a wearifu' cratur for a' that!

  34. A heap o' pains I took that I micht never hae to say I dinna ken to sic a gleg-ee'd cratur as that.

  35. I dinna think that in a' nature there's a mair curiouser cratur than a monkey.

  36. This only set Donald a lauching mair than ever, and when he lifted up his nieve, and shook it at Nosey in a gude humoured way, what think ye that the cratur did?

  37. It must have been in your infancy then, Terence, for divil a bit of manners good or bad have I ever seen in you; you have not even the good manners to take a glass of the cratur when you are asked.

  38. That is true enough, but a drop of the cratur hurts no one.

  39. Just the contrary, me boy; I feel that if I had taken just one glass more of the cratur me brain would have been clearer and I should have been to the fore.

  40. Then the present Mabel is as sweet a cratur as ever the ould Mabel Kelly was--but I must mind the pratees.

  41. Choking the cratur is with the words he can't get out.

  42. Mighty soft cratur ever since he was born, plase your honour, though he's my son.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cratur" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.