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Example sentences for "crathurs"

Lexicographically close words:
crateriform; craters; crates; crather; crathur; cratur; crature; cratures; craturs; craue
  1. Wurrah, but ye are the wise an' the quare crathurs all out!

  2. Moolyeen died, any way, soon afther your other kailyee, ye crathurs ye.

  3. That the dear little crathurs are striving in vain Which furst shall my hand or my fortin' obtain.

  4. That the dear little crathurs are striving in vain Which first shall my hand or my fortin' obtain.

  5. Do you think I'd see thim crathurs at their dhry phatie, an' our cows standin' in a pound for no rason?

  6. But," he replied, "did these poor crathurs get anything?

  7. Sure I ought to make every struggle to take you and these sorrowful crathurs out of the state you're in.

  8. Why the misfortunate crathurs a daughter of her father's, ould Mick Duignan, of Tavenimore.

  9. His wife once suggested that "the crathurs might be more sinsible like, when they were takin' time to considher themselves.

  10. Ned had followed in spite of the crathurs at home.

  11. And it's follyin' him I'd liefer be, on'y for them crathurs at home.

  12. And what's to become of them crathurs up at Lisconnel?

  13. Quiet enough the crathurs do be as long as they're rale bad.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "crathurs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.