If the head sticks, caesarean section is done in favourable circumstances, and craniotomy in unfavourable circumstances.
If the conjugata vera is at the least 7 centimetres long, symphyseotomy may be done; if the conjugata vera is above 5 centimetres, the mother septic, and the child dead or dying, craniotomy is indicated.
Craniotomy is an operation wherein the head of the child is reduced in size to render delivery possible.
The extrauterine foetus is not like a foetus in a craniotomy case.
Under the first head come the forceps, turning, the Caesarean operation, and artificial premature labour; under the second are craniotomy or perforation, and embryotomy.
On several occasions where the craniotomy forceps and crotchet have failed to move the head, the midwifery forceps has been applied, and the delivery easily and quickly accomplished.
The craniotomy forceps are still more objectionable in all ordinary cases of perforation, for they not only alter the position of the head, but by tearing away portions of bone from time to time are very liable to wound the soft parts.
She had been thirty-six hours in parturition, and by evisceration and craniotomy was delivered of a child weighing 16 pounds.
Chevers speaks of a mother at ten and others at eleven and twelve; and Green, at Dacca, performed craniotomy upon the fetus of a girl of twelve.
This is the reason why the "Medical Record" has published of late so many articles on the teachings of Catholic authorities with regard to craniotomy and abortion (see vol.
Caruso, therefore, concludes that craniotomy on the living child is to be superseded by Cesarean section.
The problem resolves itself into this: Which shall we choose--Cesarian section with one hundred and ninety living beings as the result, or craniotomy with about ninety-five living beings?
In 1892 he read, before the St. Louis Obstetrical and Gynecological Society, a lecture on the moral aspects of craniotomy and abortion, of which a considerable portion is very much to our present purpose.
He says: "The operation of craniotomy is a very old one.
The brutal epoch of craniotomyhas certainly passed.
Of late, however, the practice of craniotomy and all equivalent operations upon living subjects has gone almost entirely out of fashion among the better class of physicians.
The subdivisions under which the common law takes consideration of craniotomy are answers in themselves to the conclusions quoted above, under the unfortunate necessity which demands the operation.
Without wishing to load this paper with elaborate statistics, I shall furnish the latest arrived at in the two operations of craniotomy and Cesarean section.
The legitimate aspiration and tendency of science is to eliminate craniotomy on the living and viable child from obstetric practice.
Parvin says that the improved Cesarean section has given in Germany results so satisfactory that, possibly, the day is at hand when craniotomy upon the living fœtus will be very rarely performed, if done at all.
In my former lectures, gentlemen, I explained to you the principles condemnatory of craniotomy and abortion, viewing these chiefly from the standpoint of the ethical philosopher and the jurist.
Craniotomy has been omitted because this operation on the living child is never morally licit, and when done on the dead fetus it has no moral quality that requires explanation.
May John, a physician, cut away Peter by craniotomy and so save Ann's life?
In the craniotomy case the child is not a materially or formally unjust aggressor, it is not doing anything at all.
If it is dead and the head is developed, craniotomyshould be done to hasten extraction.
Craniotomy on a living child is never to be considered under any circumstances.
All mutilating operations, like craniotomy and the others enumerated above, first kill the fetus, then extract its body from the womb; abortion first extracts the fetus and then lets its die.
In the case of craniotomy we have the direct murder of the child.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "craniotomy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.