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Example sentences for "country life"

  • It was the man behind the editor who had sought expression in the idea of Country Life, the magazine which his company sold to Doubleday, Page & Company, and which he would personally have enjoyed editing.

  • Country Life, and develop it into a first-class periodical devoted to the general subject of a better American architecture, gardening, and interior decoration, with special application to the small house.

  • A writer in Country Life describes how he made his supply of home-made ice.

  • I think the original suggestion came from Country Life in America, wherein was described, with beautiful pictures, a swimming pool that cost five thousand dollars or six thousand dollars.

  • What attractive features of country life in England does Irving represent?

  • Compare them with attractive features of country life in America.

  • Of special value in securing appreciation of the story is the preparation of compositions based on the students' own knowledge of country life.

  • If you build well in a good situation and on a good property, and furnish the house suitably for country life, you will come there more often and more willingly[19].

  • Introduction: the literary tradition of country life Of the definition of Agriculture: II.

  • They are too young for the joys of country life, and must needs drag on as they are, loved and admired by a host of friends.

  • Country life fits us like paper on the wall," said I, "but how about the youngsters?

  • I have always loved the thought of country life, and now that my thoughts were taking material shape, I was keen to push on.

  • At last he was his own master, and could, he hoped, dispose of his time as he pleased, and indulge his love of country life.

  • The Pleasure that naturally results from reading them, is chiefly owing to the Pleasure and Advantage which attends a Country Life.

  • We are born with a Love for a Country Life, for Nature always pleases us more than Art, not only as it is prior to it in Point of Time, but as the Works of God are more perfect, and more various, than those of Men.

  • The schools are held to be largely responsible for ineffective farming and the low ideals of country life.

  • The isolation of the country home tends to narrow and restrict social intercourse, and the difficulty of travel and communication increases the monotony of country life.

  • The teacher should be able to discriminate between essentials and non-essentials and omit the latter, thus giving more time to the problems of country life.

  • A great change in this respect has come over American country life in twenty years.

  • I know well the disadvantages charged against country life at its worst.

  • Because there are farmers, and many of them, who do not experiment and do not grow, but make their occupation a veritable black drudgery, this is no reason for painting a sombre-hued picture of country life.

  • Those who think they can win the greatest joys of country life on any easier terms are mistaken.

  • It is to be observed that he drops altogether Steele's idea of Sir Roger having once been a man of fashion, which is indeed discarded by Steele himself when co-operating with his friend on the picture of country life.

  • The text as it stands is this: "For this reason we always find the poet in love with a country life, where nature appears in the greatest perfection, and furnishes out all those scenes that are most apt to delight the imagination.

  • The beginning of his Country Life shews that moralizing was still in the air: Happy the man who has the town escaped!

  • Gleim, for instance, in his Praise of Country Life: 'Thank God that I have fled from the bustle of the world and am myself again under the open sky.

  • Mr. King possessed, in a remarkable degree, all the tastes that fit one for the enjoyment of country life.

  • Let me give another illustration of the fact that dislike of country life is bred very early in the life of the child.

  • One aspect of it is its relation to the teaching of agriculture and to the love of country life.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "country life" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    adverse report; board were; central nervous; civil service; country church; country clergyman; country code; country doctor; country flight; country folk; country girl; country home; country life; country like; country where; good fishing; great book; light laugh; lovely lady; rode away; said her; small fort; takes away; urging them; whole soul; will seem