Home ranges and movements of the easterncottontail in Kansas.
The creatures that lived in the meadow were small ones; various insects; moles and mice; cottontail rabbits and harmless snakes.
Andy peered between the slats of one crate at two brown-furred animals about as big as cottontail rabbits.
Suddenly he remembered that such a fine, long, high-sounding name as Peter Cottontail demanded dignity.
Carrion consisted of remains of mammals and birds; the only identifiable items were bones of the eastern cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus) and a chicken.
There before her stood a little cottontail perched upon its haunches and blinking at her with its cute little pink eyes.
Did I really dream about all those dreadful things Mrs. Cottontail told me?
Little cottontail rabbits they saw in plenty, but, as time wore on, both the appetites of Gray Coat and his mate demanded wilder fare than mere rabbits.
Just then a white cottontail rabbit chanced to be passing that way, and heard the agonized cries of the poor raccoon and instantly saw what had happened, for once one of her own family had encountered a porcupine.
The first albinoCottontail I had ever seen, and apparently the first albino Cottontail that[C] Ranger had ever seen.
So I addressed the Cottontail solemnly and gently: "Bunny, I have done my best for you.
Cottontail (Sylvilagus nuttalli grangeri) Plentiful about Gardiner and in some of the lower regions of the Park, but not general.
On hearing the uproar I came back toward my own campfire, and as I did so, my Indian guide pointed to a Cottontail twenty feet away gazing toward the boys.
In a little while the cold, weak limbs ceased to move, the furry nose-tip of the little mother Cottontail wobbled no more, and the soft brown eyes were closed in death.
He became more sour and ill-tempered as weeks went by, and one day waited to quarrel with Olifant's dog instead of going in so that Molly Cottontail was able to take possession of the den an hour later.
Within a single year it was a wilder place than ever; fresh trees and brambles grew, and falling wires made many Cottontail castles and last retreats that dogs and foxes dared not storm.
Only those who live in the woods know the importance of this; every wild creature and every hunter must learn it; all learn to do it well, but not one of them can beat Molly Cottontail in the doing.
Here a cottontail rabbit leaped out and gave them a great scare.
Yet even Cottontail had become so desperate with thirst by the second night of the desert march that he pawed and neighed and stamped the whole night through.
Despite his own sufferings, Al had one satisfaction, which was that Cottontailkept up much better than most of the horses of the expedition.
Al, mounting Cottontail for the first time in two days, rode back to the ambulance in which Wallace lay, and secured his canteen, as well as those of the driver and of two other wounded men who were riding with him.
Except when jumping with the hind feet into the front tracks two individual tracks of the cottontail never blend into one mark on account of the slenderness of the feet.
In illustrated articles the writer has seen drawings and photographs of tracks and trails claimed to have been made by the New England cottontail which looked exactly like those made by the varying hare.
There is a much greater likelihood of mistaking the varying hare's trail for that of the cottontail rabbit, with which it has many points of resemblance.
He became more sour and ill-tempered as weeks went by, and one day waited to quarrel with Olifant's dog instead of going in, so that Molly Cottontail was able to take possession of the den an hour later.
There the dogs were ordered ahead, and began to run, eagerly looking out for a sight of any foolish rabbit, cottontail or jack, that might be out on the level stretch of country over which the hunters were now loping.
He would get up very early in the morning and with his pony and the hounds have many a lively chase after the little cottontail rabbit or the larger "jack," improperly so called, for it is really the hare.
He was as fleet as the wind, and more than once Kate had run down a cottontail rabbit in a spirited chase over the prairie.
They had a half-grown cottontail among them, and were fighting bravely for the sole possession of the little creature, which was already nearly dead.
It is white like a little bunch of cotton, and I suppose that that is why I am called a Cottontail Rabbit, though I have heard that some folks call me a Gray Rabbit and others a Bush Rabbit.
I belong to the Cottontail branch of the Hare family, and it is a fine family if I do say so.
Half way up, Cottontail was sitting in her doorway, with four or five half- grown little rabbits playing about her; one black and the others brown.
Cottontail had married a black rabbit, and gone to live on the hill.
Cottontail had seen Tommy Brock passing in the distance.
More than half of the food items taken in western Missouri consisted of meadow mice, cottontail rabbits, and cotton rats (Korschgen and Stuart 1972).
Cottontail rabbits may be poisoned in winter by baiting them with twigs cut from apple trees and dipped in or thinly coated with the starch-strychnine poison.
Traps and other devices that are effective with cottontailrabbits do not always succeed with jack rabbits.
Veneer and other forms of wooden protectors are popular, and have several advantages when used for cottontail rabbits.
This bulletin discusses the distribution and habits of cottontailrabbits and methods of controlling their ravages on trees and cultivated crops by means of trapping, poisoning, and supplying safeguards.
The recommendations contained in this bulletin will, therefore, apply only tocottontail rabbits, but they may suggest methods that, with modifications, may be used against the larger forms.
Cottontail rabbits are valuable for food and afford excellent sport for gunners.
Some confusion has existed concerning the subspecific identity of the Florida cottontail in Nebraska because of the way in which Nelson recorded specimens in his "The Rabbits of North America" (N.
Cottontail rabbits played on the snow and sharp-nosed foxes sought them out.
Cottontail rabbits huddled in their burrows and snowshoe hares crept about in the thickets.
Poor old fellow, he wouldn't have hurt a cottontail rabbit.
The breeze was lively, and smelled excellent of flowers and grass, and the little cottontail rabbits entertained themselves with skylarking across the road.
In changing from one home range to the other the cottontail traveled along a dry stream bed and was captured there three times.
A preliminary report of the New England Cottontail studies.
On seven occasions a cottontail used a form that had been used by another within 24 hours.
Hilltop rock outcrops on the area provide excellent protection for the cottontail especially from low temperatures and freezing rain or blowing snow.
Occasionally when a predator had killed and eaten a cottontail the tail and feet remained and, when dyed, they provided important clues to the identity of the individual.
The methods used by other investigators to calculate the home range of the cottontail have yielded estimates varying from 0.
Ecology of a cottontail rabbit (Sylvilagus auduboni) population in Central California.
The home range of the cottontail in the first winter is overlapped by the home ranges of the other members of the same litter, and members of other litters, as the home range is enlarged to approximately its full size.
The home range is used by the cottontail in different ways, depending on the needs of the individual and the condition of the habitat.
The cottontail usually establishes its home range in the area where it was born, being semi-gregarious and tolerant of crowding.
One cottontail (Figure 2, upper left) lived in a woodland home range of 4.
There I (aged eight) stood, gazing after this new wonder, while little Cottontail made good its escape.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cottontail" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.