Considere now yif þat be þilke þinges by whiche a man weniþ to gete hym blysfulnesse.
Considere þan q{uo}d she as we han grau{n}tid her byforne.
But considere wel, that I ne usurpe nat to have founde this werk of my labour or of myn engin.
Litell Lowis my sone, I have perceived wel by certeyne evidences thyn abilite to lerne sciencez touchinge noumbres and proporciouns; and as wel considere I thy bisy preyere in special to lerne the Tretis of the Astrolabie.
Thou most first considere that the sonne aryseth nat al-wey verrey est, but some tyme by north the est, and som tyme by southe the est.
And whan that 5 this is don, considere the altitudes of hem bothe; for sothly the difference of thilke altitudes is the declinacion of thilke degree fro the equinoxial.
Tak any sterre fixe that nevere dissendeth under the orisonte in thilke regioun, and considere his heyest altitude and his lowest altitude fro the orisonte; and make a nombre of bothe thise altitudes.
Considere the tyme of the coniunccion by thy kalender, as thus; lok how many houres thilke coniunccion is fro the midday of the day precedent, as sheweth by the canoun of thy kalender.
But considere also,' quod she, 'in wham this blisfulnesse enhabiteth.
Yif thou considere the noumbre and the manere of thy blisses and 50 of thy sorwes, thou mayst nat forsaken that thou art yit blisful.
O ye ertheliche bestes, 20 considere ye nat over which thinge that it semeth that ye han power?
Lat us considere thanne what is eternitee; for certes that shal shewen us to-gidere the devyne nature and the devyne science.
And lat us considere also who been they, and how manye been they, and whiche been they, that consenteden to your adversaries.
Lat us nowconsidere whiche been they, that ye holde so greetly your freendes as to your persone.
First and foreward, if ye wole considerethe defautes that been in your owene persone, / for whiche defautes god hath suffred yow have this tribulacioun, as I have seyd yow heer-biforn.
In the examininge thanne of your conseillour, ye shul considere manye thinges.
Thanne shaltow considere of what rote is engendred the matere of thy conseil, and what fruit it may conceyve and engendre.
Thanne lat us considere also if the conseilling of hem that conseilleden yow to taken sodeyn vengeaunce, whether it accorde to resoun?
But-if the shorers be wel grounded, the helpes shulden slyden and suffre the charge to falle; her might litel avayleth.
And in this degree, lady, your-selfe many hertes of men have so bounden, that parfit blisse in womankynde to ben men wenen, and in nothinge els.
He had not so moche as to cover with his membres; and yet was he oon of the grettest kinges of al the Normandes ofspring, and moste possession had.
Il y a un casconsidere comme suspect, celui dans lequel l'acte de transfert ne se trouve pas a bord, alors que le navire a change de nationalite moins de soixante jours avant l'ouverture des hostilites.
What does seem proved is that the old Latins and other Italians believed the deities of the house to be present at their meals-- ante focos olim scamnis considerelongis mos erat et mensae credere adesse deos (Fasti, vi.
I have before referred to in another context: ante focos olim scamnis considere longis mos erat et mensae credere adesse deos.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "considere" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.