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Example sentences for "considered unlucky"

  • The sudden loss of hair is considered unlucky, being said to prognosticate the loss of children, health, or property; whereas many consider it imprudent to throw it away, or to leave the smallest scrap lying about.

  • Thus, at the present day to stumble up-stairs is considered unlucky by some, but just the reverse by others.

  • In the same county it is considered unlucky to divulge a child's intended name before its baptism; and the water sprinkled on its forehead at the font must on no account be wiped off.

  • By some it is considered unlucky to keep pigeons about a dwelling-house, as they are believed, on account of their habit of standing on one leg, to lead to poverty.

  • The number seven is, for the same reason, considered unlucky by the Koravas, and a house-breaking expedition should not consist of seven men.

  • After that day it is considered unlucky to use it or lend it.

  • If they cannot fill the baskets, the place where they began winnowing is considered unlucky and it is removed a few yards to another part of the threshing-floor.

  • During the four months of the god's rest it is considered unlucky to marry, repair the thatch of a hut, or make the house cots.

  • So, there is hardly a village in which it is not considered ominous to name before breakfast some one who, from his misery, rascality, or some other reason, is considered unlucky.

  • It is considered unlucky for a man to fall off the mining ladder, for, whether he is hurt or not, he is likely to die within the year.

  • Speaking of dog-lore generally, it may be remarked that though dogs are very frequently kept by the Malays, it is considered unlucky to keep them.

  • If an owl hoots over the roof of a house, or on a tree close thereto, it is considered unlucky, as foreboding a death in the family at an early date.

  • Consummation is, as among the Kurubas and Madigas, postponed for three months, as it is considered unlucky to have three heads of a family in a household during the first year of marriage.

  • Among the Kammas, consummation does not take place till three months after the marriage ceremony, as it is considered unlucky to have three heads of a family in a household during the first year of marriage.

  • It is considered unlucky to take off a ring that was the gift of a deceased person, an engagement, or a marriage ring.

  • It is considered unlucky to get married before breakfast.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "considered unlucky" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    ancient days; but see; came unto; considered himself; considered merely; considered the; considered them; considered unlucky; facing the; first line; general exercise; giving birth; larger number; make white; must strive; perceive that; sell them; she reflected; similar effect; the valley; these should; too often; two hundred and fifty; universal laws; upon hearing; wild goose