Now, all this was literally enacted at the consecration of Aaron and his sons; and, moreover, all this was the result of strict adherence to the Word of Jehovah.
Man has always proved himself ill-disposed to walk in the narrow path of strict adherence to the plain word of God.
It would then signify a strict adherence to Moral Justice, to the equality of civil and political rights, to the system of representative government, and an opposition to all hereditary claims to govern.
This case serves to shew, that the same conduct that best constitutes the safety of an individual, namely, a strict adherence to principle, constitutes also the safety of a Government, and that without it safety is but an empty name.
The Secretary himself, I think, confesses "that a strict adherence to appropriations, in certain cases, would be pusillanimity.
Defn: The practice or the doctrine of strict adherence to, or dependence on, external forms, esp.
Defn: One who is tenacious of a strict adherence to official formalities.
The practice or the doctrine of strict adherence to, or dependence on, external forms, esp.
One who is tenacious of a strict adherence to official formalities.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "strict adherence" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.