At the same time Pyrrhus marched upon the city of Berœa, truly conjecturing that Demetrius, in his haste to repel the invasion of Upper Macedonia, would leave the lower part of the country unprotected.
Sir Thomas Chaloner, who had an estate there, conjecturing from the nature of the plants which grew wild that there must be minerals in the neighbourhood, after making some search, at length discovered alum.
So few things happened at Knowl out of the accustomed routine, that a very trifling occurrence was enough to set people wondering and conjecturing in that serene household.
As Milly and I were conjecturing what it might mean, and before the five minutes had expired, Mary Quince entered.
While making my toilet for dinner, I amused myself by conjecturing whether there could be any foundation in fact for Mark's boast, that Miss Brandon liked him.
Having no clue whatever to account for the presence of this poor human being in such a lonely spot, we fell to conjecturing what could have brought him there.
Conjecturing that he was apparently satisfied that the risk was a minimum, and that the aviator had been instructed to bring me nowhere near the firing line, I waited for their conference to break up.
He was very clever in recognising what was necessary to be done, even when it was still a matter unnoticed by others; and very successful in conjecturing from the observation of facts what was likely to occur.
He was too busy reflecting on the evidence obtained in Jersey Street to waste time in conjecturing further events.
Her thoughts were too taken up with her immediate task of exploring the scene of the crime to waste time in conjecturing the reason of the young man's blushes.
God is a conjecture: but I should like your conjecturing restricted to the conceivable.
God is a conjecture: but I do not wish your conjecturingto reach beyond your creating will.
I can't sit here all day listening to you lamenting over the Land League; and, after a certain number of hours, conjecturingwhether Mickey Moran will or will not pay his rent becomes monotonous.
If there be a good in the world that we do without knowing it, without conjecturing the effect it may have upon a human soul, it is when we show kindness to the young in the first barren foot-path up the mountain of life.
I see no one now except you, and there is nothing I dread so much as a pair of curious eyes, and a head containing a brain which I know must be conjecturing and wondering with reference to me.
Conjecturing that the panel might be a movable one, I began to search for the spring.
His mind is given to a more serious matter, his whole thoughts absorbed in conjecturing for what purpose his unknown correspondent may be seeking the interview.
While they are conjecturing as to the cause, the same officer again observes something that has escaped the others.
While conjecturing what may be the cause of such hasty departure, he sees something that partly explains it.
The cuirassiers had been astray in conjecturing that the noises heard in Wapsey's Wood proceeded from a gang of gipsies.
It was not to assist her in conjecturing the purpose of that matutinal commotion that Marion had so eagerly glanced to the dial of her watch.
Rightly conjecturing that this was the Blue Boar himself, he stepped into the house, and inquired concerning his parent.
You are right in conjecturing that I am somewhat depressed; at times I certainly am.
But he could never have found this place save by tracking my husband and conjecturing his destination.
Doubtless, I thought, conjecturing that I would be, just after dinner, in the most accommodating humor possible.
Some contented themselves with conjecturing that Palus accidentally resembled Commodus, which was not so far from the truth.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "conjecturing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.