It is a singular character of this remarkable country, that extremes so often meet; the most miserable scrub, with the open plain and fine forest land; and the most paralysing dryness, with the finest supply of water.
We crossed the creek, near which we had encamped, and travelled about nine miles wost, over most beautifully varied country of plains, of forest land, and chains of lagoons.
But for the king's rights in forest land, a 'mark community' might have grown up in Epping.
Also we may perhaps find hamlets rather than villages wherever there have been within the historic period large tracts of forest land.
It is made up of forest land, mineral land, agricultural land, and foreshore and land under water.
Fifty-four thousand square miles are estimated to be forest land.
Major Ahern was thus intrusted with the management of some fifty-four thousand square miles of forest land, and was charged with the duty of investigating the forest resources of the Philippines, and of developing and protecting them.
These two instances of forestry have been most useful and effective among lumbermen and other owners of forest land in the north-east.
The following table shows the amount of forest land held by the different states, and by the territory of Hawaii:-- Area of State Forest Reservations, 1907.
A case in point is that of the University of the South, at Sewanee, Tennessee, which owns 7,000 acres of forest land.
Even in the Mississippi Valley and the Great Lakes belts there are still large areas of forest land.
We then entered one of the finest tracts of forest land I ever saw.
We at last tied up our horses on a little patch of forest land, and laid down under a few boughs, as it was quite dark and began to rain.
This day the ground somewhat resembled forest land, and we saw one or two trees of substantial timber of the description which the colonists term mahogany.
Travelling four miles more across level forest land, we reached the banks of the Lachlan at Waagan,* a cattle station a mile and a half below the junction of Byrne's creek of Oxley, which we had just traced in its course from Buree.
At three miles, having crossed a low ridge of forest land, we entered a fine valley, backed on the west by romantic forest hills, and watered by some purling brooks which united in the woods on the east.
We next entered on a fine flat offorest land bounded by a low ridge with Callitris pyramidalis, or pine trees.
Eastward the summits of a range I thought of naming the Australian Pyrenees were just visible over a woody horizon; and to the south-east were several detached hills and some elevated ridges of forest land, apparently near the coast.
I have lately been minutely examining old forest land, with the view of removing top soil from it, and have been much struck with the variation in the depth of the rich surface soil.
We have now considered both climate and elevation, and the values of the various kinds of forest land, and have next to look at, and if possible value, the effects of aspect.
We rode over a fine tract of forest land, extending from the camp to the foot of the mountain, a distance of about twelve miles.
After making a slight detour to avoid a gully falling into it, we continued the same course over open forest land, and, at length, saw an immense sheet of water before us, with islands in it.
Towards the end of our day's journey, we crossed land covered with good grass, and having only large trees on it, so thinly strewed as to be of the character of the most open kind of forest land.
On these rounded off banks or bergs of forest land, Youranigh drew my attention to large, old, waterworn, trunks of trees, which he showed me had been deposited there by floods.
There was, however, a good deal of forest land, and the brushes grew in good soil.
Westward of this river the country again becomes hilly, but is generally open, forest land, and very good pasturage.
Taxes on forest land should be levied on the crop when cut, not on the basis of a general property tax--that unsound method of taxation long abandoned by every other great nation.
Under the proposed system, the latter class would pay the same annual tax, the annual tax revenue from strictly forest land would be greater, and in addition to both would be the future yield tax upon the crop.
Therefore if he leaves this money in forest land for 50 years without return, for every dollar so tied up he must get $18.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "forest land" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.