But for domestic use we cannot advise its employment, as it is liable to injure the invalid, when its action is carried too far, which is apt to be the case, when not administered under the supervision of a competent physician.
For this condition a competent physician must be consulted, for in some cases the patient's life may be in danger and an abortion has to be performed.
The treatment of the menopause, if the symptoms are at all disagreeable, or distressing, should be in the hands of a competent physician.
I do not believe in self-treatment because it is generally unsatisfactory and may often even become dangerous, and I decidedly advise every woman who suspects that she has contracted gonorrhea to apply at once to a competent physician.
Every woman who thinks that she is pregnant should put herself at once under the care of a competent physician, so that he can make the necessary examinations as early as possible.
If a child exhibits one or more of the symptoms mentioned, he ought to be given a complete physical examination by a competent physician, and treatment, if needed, should begin without delay.
The first step toward remedy is periodic complete physical examination by a competent physician, in order to learn in time how to prevent these degenerative diseases, if present, from growing worse.
They are not considered dangerous operations, but the final decision as to their necessity should rest, in each case, with a competent physician or surgeon.
Therefore, any person at this age who suffers from continuous indigestion or characterized by retention and prolonged fermentation of food in the stomach, should at once consult a competent physician.
Drugs of this character should be taken with the utmost circumspection, and only on the prescription of a competent physician.
There are indeed times when a palliative treatment will serve to tide the sufferer over a few days until he is able to consult a competent physician.
The local cause of all the trouble should be treated by a competent physician.
But how strange it is that so many sufferers regard their anatomy and physiology so lightly as to think of using remedies, even for relief, without first undergoing a thorough examination by a competent physician.
There are a number of physical disorders usually accompanying pregnancy, some of which are trifling, but some of which require the advice of a competent physician.
The woman suffering from Uterine Displacement should, of course, consult a competent physician and be governed by his advice.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "competent physician" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.