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Example sentences for "commercial enterprise"

  • Although the period, which the present chapter embraces, extends to thirteen centuries, yet, as it is by no means rich or fruitful either in discovery or commercial enterprise, it will not detain us long.

  • Four or five hundred years ago it was the foremost nation of Europe in point of commercial enterprise.

  • The particular conditions under which are placed the vast regions you have just opened up to commercial enterprise, have seemed to require special guarantee for the preservation of peace and public order.

  • The unwise course of the Germans who established a commercial enterprise there in 1889 has led to Arab hostilities that appear disastrous in the extreme to missionary work for the present, especially among the Ugandas.

  • It seemed that there was but one virtue in the world, commercial enterprise,--and that Melmotte was its prophet.

  • I wanted to lay aside a large sum of money which should not be liable to the ordinary fluctuations of commercial enterprise.

  • Had Great Britain given even her countenance to "commercial enterprise," she would have given it by now representation in her councils for West Africa, a thing it has not yet got.

  • Great Britain, on the other hand, has adopted the policy of advance by commercial enterprise; she has not attempted to compete with the military operations of her neighbour.

  • Capital is nothing but the means of undertaking any industrial or commercial enterprise, of setting up an Allan line of steamships or setting up a costermonger's cart.

  • The increased scale of commercial enterprise however is in itself advantageous in this respect.

  • At that time Holland was in commercial enterprise, the most prosperous nation upon the globe; decidedly in advance of England.

  • This ordinance stimulated to a high degree the spirit of commercial enterprise.

  • But, you will ask, how can money be procured or increased fast and without trouble in a country where there is no commercial enterprise, where labour is interfered with, where capital cannot have a free outlet or investment?

  • They have sown the seeds of commercial enterprise.

  • As a depot favourable to commercial enterprise, much might be said in favour of their occupation.

  • We have to take our chances the same as any other nation would; the same as commercial enterprise would.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "commercial enterprise" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    best compliments; commercial fertilizer; commercial fertilizers; commercial importance; commercial intercourse; commercial paper; commercial success; commercial transactions; commercial travellers; commercial treaty; commercial value; division superintendent; doing what; during the breeding season; electoral reform; nice brown; other minds; other references; poor body; raised from the dead; shall deal; show his; still seen; that now; under those; vocal cords