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Example sentences for "come closer"

  • It should enable you to come closer to the persons whose thoughts are mentioned here, either through further investigation of their ideas or by entering into a dialogue with them.

  • In our days, the cultures swinging from the sacred to the profane, from the primitive to the over-developed, come closer together.

  • On the Internet, we come closer to what emerges as a qualitatively new form of human interaction.

  • Come closer, come closer, both of you," he cried.

  • Come closer," said the sheriff to Gwynplaine.

  • If they have set a glorious example of courage, of sacrifice and of patriotism, help your children and our children to "come closer" in following their example.

  • Come closer, comrades," and study these Southern women.

  • When he began his talk he said, "Come closer, comrades.

  • Come closer, and let it be my knife against your knife.

  • The moon merely laughed, and said: "Why should I come closer?

  • Come closer, moon, and let me examine your round, grey skull with this club.

  • After getting in sight of the latter, Little Beaver was about to throw the pouch, when standing at a great distance; but Ictinike called to him, "Come closer!

  • When he was about to throw it to him, he said, "Come closer!

  • Just as the boy was about to throw the glove, Ictinike called, "Come closer!

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "come closer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    anything except; come after; come again; come among; come ashore; come between; come for; come forth; come forward; come hame; come nearer; come over; come short; come together; come true; come upstairs; comes down; comes forward; comes from; comes home; cometh forth; eyes rested; later years; morrow will; sacred stone; une seule