It should enable you to come closer to the persons whose thoughts are mentioned here, either through further investigation of their ideas or by entering into a dialogue with them.
In our days, the cultures swinging from the sacred to the profane, from the primitive to the over-developed, come closer together.
On the Internet, we come closer to what emerges as a qualitatively new form of human interaction.
If they have set a glorious example of courage, of sacrifice and of patriotism, help your children and our children to "come closer" in following their example.
Come closer, comrades," and study these Southern women.
When he began his talk he said, "Come closer, comrades.
Come closer, and let it be my knife against your knife.
The moon merely laughed, and said: "Why should I come closer?
Come closer, moon, and let me examine your round, grey skull with this club.
After getting in sight of the latter, Little Beaver was about to throw the pouch, when standing at a great distance; but Ictinike called to him, "Come closer!
When he was about to throw it to him, he said, "Come closer!
Just as the boy was about to throw the glove, Ictinike called, "Come closer!
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "come closer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.