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Example sentences for "cognac"

Lexicographically close words:
cogitatione; cogitationes; cogitations; cogitative; cogito; cognate; cognates; cognation; cognisable; cognisance
  1. He poured out a small glass of cognac from a decanter which stood on a table at his elbow, and, settling himself comfortably in his chair, prepared to listen.

  2. It was with an almost ludicrous air of solicitude that Bertrand placed the coffee before Calvert and poured out his cognac and then hung about, waiting anxiously for any sign or word from him.

  3. He finished the Cognac slowly, seeking in the fiery drink a spur to inventiveness, and sucked his moustache slowly as he capped and pocketed the flask.

  4. Filling a liqueur glass with cognac from the table which the butler had already arranged for the evening, he slouched back to the sofa and lifted the fallen volume.

  5. He began to drink Cognac regularly with his meals.

  6. In his opinion, Grappa was superior to all the Cognac in the world.

  7. His leg was "drilling" again, and he had had two glasses of Cognac within an hour.

  8. His extreme caution would not let him continue drinking the Cognac at meals, since Sophy had objected to it.

  9. A glass and bottle that had held cognac stood empty.

  10. No, that is quite enough; a thimbleful of cognac is just what I need--more than that I have given up these many years.

  11. The cognac you gave to the general was never suspected by the doctors, who declared the fatality to be due to an internal malady from which he had long suffered, and which was known might cause sudden death.

  12. I filled it with cognac and water before starting.

  13. Borselli sent me the cognac from Rome already prepared, and according to his directions I substituted the bottle in the Englishman's room and at the same time abstracted the general's flask from his holster.

  14. After dinner the cognac bottle is produced, and the pastor fills his tumbler half full of spirit, and but lightly dashes it with water.

  15. It is cognac and not brandy, for your chapel minister thinks it an affront if anything more common than the best French liquor is put before him; he likes it strong, and with it his long clay pipe.

  16. One July night in Paris I had dinner with a certain lady at the Cou-Cou, followed by cognac at the Savoyarde.

  17. If she was slight, however, she was endowed with unconquerable tenacity and courage, and she would have killed herself with hard work to provide him with the coffee and cognac which he liked to sip after each repast.

  18. Then he went to take a little glass of cognac which stood on the mantelpiece.

  19. Hollanden carefully stacked one lump of sugar upon another in the middle of his saucer and poured cognac over them.

  20. He touched a match to the cognac and the blue and yellow flames eddied in the saucer.

  21. I drank the coffee and ate the onions and the beans, and I took the pie and cognac home.

  22. We both drank a glass of cognac and sealed our bond then and there.

  23. He shook his head furiously, and I left the pie, the cognac and the coffee on the table before him and went into the antechamber, closing the office door behind me, and leaving him to meditate on his treachery.

  24. I placed a table close to the chair-bedstead and on it I disposed the pie and the cognac in such a manner that the moment Theodore woke his eyes were bound to alight on them.

  25. Sir Vernon's cognac is to be kept sacred, too.

  26. The seventy-years-old cognac was there also, and Paul's head was humming ever so little before the feast was over.

  27. It was the last night in port, a few friends from shore had come to dine, and black coffee and cognac at a late hour had finished the business.

  28. For this purpose, also, the spirits are rectified from bruised prunes, or the lees of the cognac distilleries, whereby they acquire additional flavour.

  29. If the best Cognac brandy be carefully distilled at a low heat, and the strong spirit be diluted with water, it will be found to have suffered much in its flavour.

  30. Lastly, to every 9 gallons, put 1 quart of good Cognac brandy (but not the drugged imitations made in London with grain whiskey), and bung down.

  31. The most celebrated of the French brandies, those of Cognac and Armagnac, are slightly rectified to only from 0.

  32. Come to the fire, and take a sup of cognac till the punch is made.

  33. Illustration: 10 She knew she would be twenty thousand pounds richer] "I saw that something was wrong, and in my innocence I even wondered if possibly my cognac had not been a little too strong.

  34. She sat there in that chair, and I brought her cognac and cigarettes.

  35. Cognac is the seat of a subprefect and has tribunals of first instance and of commerce, a council of trade arbitrators, a chamber of commerce, and consulates of the United States, Spain and Portugal.

  36. In 1526 Cognac gave its name to a treaty concluded against Charles V.

  37. Bekir offered to get a bottle of cognac if we would provide the money.

  38. So we vetoed the cognac and I voted for tea.

  39. So unused are many of the Turks to alcohol that small quantities of the cognac completely befuddled them.

  40. Petrograd reports that the German officers in command of the Turks induced the temperate Osmanlis to drink cognac before going into battle.

  41. I had a little cognac in my sauve vie, and I divided it among us--just enough to wet our moustaches.

  42. There I watered her and rubbed her down, giving her two pieces of sugar soaked in cognac from my flask.

  43. Cognac for our friend--a tumblerful; a wine-glass will do for me.

  44. Jacques had evidently been taking a glass or two of cognac to console himself, and even now was scarcely recovered from its effects.

  45. Again Jacques appeared, carrying his fiddle and fiddlestick in one hand, and a bottle of cognac in the other, and, making a spring, leapt on the raft.

  46. I prefer to drink with my meat, and to take a glass of cognac afterwards.

  47. Cognac is more fashionable than kirschwasser!

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cognac" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.