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Example sentences for "clyster"

Lexicographically close words:
clutter; cluttered; cluttering; clyme; clypeus; clysters; cnemial; cnidaria
  1. But if no medical assistance be at hand, the application of volatile liniments to the part affected, a clyster with a little laudanum in it, or the warm bath, may be tried with advantage.

  2. A common clyster is made of plain gruel strained, and a table-spoonful of oil or salt.

  3. A small opium clyster was given, and the child recovered.

  4. By increasing the quantity of the active ingredients, a mild laxative or aperient clyster is converted into an active purgative or cathartic one.

  5. Tobacco clyster is used in strangulated hernia, obstinate constipation, retention of urine, &c.

  6. In chronic diarrh[oe]a, and as a nutritient clyster in debility from stomach diseases.

  7. The other answered, you my dear must take A remedy that easily I'll make, A clyster you shall have to-morrow morn: By me most willingly it will be borne.

  8. Since that he took better advice, and eases himself with taking a clyster made with a decoction of wheat and barley corns, and of livers of goslings; to the first of which the poultry run, and the foxes to the latter.

  9. Beck in his Infant Therapeutics advises to give by the clyster twice as much of the opiate as would be required by the mouth.

  10. In severe cases a clyster with ten or fifteen drops of liquor ammoniae is said to do good.

  11. The following formula for a clyster has given me more satisfaction than any other medicated enema which I have employed: Rx.

  12. A stimulating clyster in congestion of the brain, or lungs, will relieve those parts by counter-irritation.

  13. A stimulating clyster may then be given, composed of warm water, into which a few grains of powdered capsicum may be sprinkled.

  14. The following clyster should be given:-- Powdered lobelia, 2 ounces.

  15. The following clyster must be given:-- Powdered lobelia, 2 ounces.

  16. This form of clyster may be used with decided advantage in all acute diseases of the urinary organs.

  17. If this is unsuccessful, give a clyster made with a pipe-full of tobacco, boiled for a few minutes in a pint of water.

  18. A clyster of tobacco-smoke may be thrown up as a last resort.

  19. Either by physic forward or by clyster backward or both ways to get an easy and plentiful going to stool and breaking of wind.

  20. Anon, about 8 o'clock, my wife did give me a clyster which Mr. Hollyard directed, viz.

  21. Walter Bruel would have a practitioner begin first with a clyster of his, which he prescribes before bloodletting: the common sort, as Mercurialis, Montaltus cap.

  22. Put a pair of bellows end into a clyster pipe, and applying it into the fundament, open the bowels, so draw forth the wind, natura non admittit vacuum.

  23. Taken as a clyster it is a purge, more or less violent according to the quantity employed.

  24. When he had this clyster in his belly, he went away, without saying anything more about his ass, which he fully believed he should recover.

  25. He had not gone far when his belly was so tossed about that he was forced to turn aside into a deserted hut, because of the clyster which demanded to be let out.

  26. These pains, which are often mistaken for labour, are removed by warm clothes laid to the belly, and the application of a clyster or two, by which those pains which precede a true labour, are rather furthered than hindered.

  27. And let the following clyster to expel the wind be put into the womb: Take agnus castus, cinnamon, each two drachms, boil them in wine to half a pint.

  28. If she goes not well to stool, give a clyster made only of the decoction of mallows and a little brown sugar.

  29. If this does not abate the pain, make a clyster of camomile, balm-leaves, oil of olives and new milk, boiling the former in the latter.

  30. A clyster of half a pint of gruel, and 30 drops of laudanum; or a grain of opium and six grains of rhubarb every night.

  31. Castor, with sinapisms externally; to which must be added a clyster of cold water, or iced water; which, according to Mons.

  32. I was informed of a case, where solutions of mercurial ointment were used as a clyster every night for a month without success.

  33. The feces must sometimes be taken away by the end of a marrow-spoon, as cathartics and even clyster will pass without removing them.

  34. Fomentation clyster with oil and laudanum, push the stone back with a bougie; if from cantharides give half a pint of warm water every ten minutes.

  35. Sometimes chalybeate water and the oil clyster produce good effects; but it is better, if possible, to procure for the bird its most natural food.

  36. He was the inventor of some new instruments and of a clyster apparatus.

  37. We dosed Mustara with butter as an emetic, and he also threw up nothing but the chewed Gyrostemon; the clyster produced the same.

  38. There is no reason to doubt that the clyster and phlebotomy enjoyed as wide usage in colonial Virginia as in Europe, but the evidence surviving to prove this assumption is slight.

  39. The surgeon administering the clyster or phlebotomy, those commonly resorted to "remedies," could be expected to charge thirty pounds of tobacco for the first and twenty pounds for the second.

  40. A clyster which I have had the pleasure of composing myself.

  41. What a misfortune not to take a clyster prescribed by Mr. Purgon!

  42. Item, the clyster repeated in the evening, as above, thirty sous.

  43. A wretch, unpleasant to everybody; of nauseous, dirty habits; always a clyster or a dose of physic in his body.

  44. Item, on the 26th, a carminative clyster to cure the flatulence of Mr. Argan, thirty sous.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "clyster" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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