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Example sentences for "closed circuit"

  • But there is a type of battery made that is available for either open or closed circuit operation.

  • Batteries for producing electricity may be divided into two classes, called "open circuit" batteries and "closed circuit" batteries.

  • The Fuller cell is suitable for open and semi-closed circuit work; its electromotive force is about 2.

  • In closed circuit cells polarization is prevented by chemical action, so that the current will be constant and steady till the energy of the chemicals is expended.

  • The same condition holds good for the electric current; if in a closed circuit a constant current circulates, the same amount of electricity will pass every cross section per second.

  • The depolarizer will take care of a limited amount of the hydrogen produced when the cell is on closed circuit, but if the circuit be closed for any length of time polarization occurs.

  • As the full significance of the experiments shown by these extracts may not be apparent to a lay reader, it may be stated by way of premise that, ordinarily, a current only follows a closed circuit.

  • With Edison's telephone a closed circuit is used on which is constantly flowing a battery current, and included in that circuit is a pair of electrodes, one or both of which is of carbon.

  • Until the time of Edison's investigations of 1875, now under consideration, electricity had never been known to manifest itself except through a closed circuit.

  • Keep in mind the fact that the lamp will always burn on an open circuit and go out on a closed circuit.

  • The operation of a drop on a closed circuit is a little different from its operation on a normally open circuit.

  • If any currents come from the coil, later, you should be able to tell in which direction they flow, the coil and A G forming a closed circuit.

  • An increase in the number of lines of force that pass through a closed circuit produces an indirect induced current; while a decrease produces a direct one.

  • In closed circuit armatures, such as used in the continuous current systems, it is best to make four derivations from equi-distant points or bars of the commutator, and to connect the same to four insulated sliding rings on the shaft.

  • Between these poles is mounted an armature--for example, a ring or annular armature, wound with a series of coils F, forming a closed circuit or circuits.

  • In starting this motor the shunt is closed around the armature coils, which will therefore be in closed circuit.

  • When this connection is made, the circuit is called a "closed circuit.

  • This disadvantage may be entirely overcome by the adoption of a simple modification, known as the "closed circuit system" of bell ringing.

  • On the other hand, with the "closed circuit" system, one has merely to place the wire in any convenient position, it being better seen than hidden.

  • Currents of such high frequencies will oscillate, that is, surge to and fro, in an open circuit, such as an aerial wire system, as well as in a closed circuit.

  • I have just said in fact that an isolated element is not acted upon in the same way as a movable element making part of a closed circuit.

  • Now there we have in a sense a closed circuit, since the electricity describes the closed circuit BNAMB; but the two parts of this current are very different.

  • Since the measurement is made on closed circuit the reading does not give the total pressure of the battery.

  • If the active portions only be separated so that they do not form a closed circuit, it will answer the purpose.

  • The ends of the coil are to be connected to an astatic galvanoscope; this forms a closed circuit.

  • Even if the conditions were wholly static there would be polarized lines of force, in a state of strain, reaching around in a closed circuit.

  • In practice there are a certain number of turns and a certain sized wire that will give the best results with a given number of cells of battery (or a given voltage or pressure), operating in a closed circuit of a given resistance.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "closed circuit" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    already observed; been thinkin; being persuaded; closed circuit; closed door; closed eyes; closed shop; closed system; closed the; closed vessel; conical form; deliver them; export revenues; many women; military hospitals; not exactly; personal hygiene; retail trade; said carelessly; simmer till; take effect; true life; until lately; upper parts; what comes; years since