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Example sentences for "cirque"

Lexicographically close words:
circumvented; circumventing; circus; circuses; cire; cirques; cirrhosis; cirri; cirripedes; cirrus
  1. The narrow canyon through which the trail leads from the camp offers fine views of Heaven's Peak, Mount Cannon, Bearhat Mountain, Gunsight Mountain with the cirque bearing Sperry Glacier, and the canyon in which Hidden Lake reposes.

  2. During late afternoons goats are to be seen perched against the cirque walls.

  3. The valley lakes are usually larger than the cirque lakes and have a different origin.

  4. It leads upwards to a great cirque in the hills, a cirque that is a grass-covered alpine pasture in the summer.

  5. But until a balloon service is organized between Luz and the famous Cirque it is impossible to make the journey with an unruffled temper.

  6. The hour's walk from the village to the Cirque is an event also in the life of the flower-lover.

  7. Cirque by cirque The world-wide hell reeled round him, East and West, To where the tortured Indians worked the will Of lordly Spain in golden-famed Peru.

  8. And the two men at once began talking again of the Cirque de Gavarnie: they had had a delightful trip, a most pleasant time, which they would never forget.

  9. Finally, it appeared that the Cirque de Gavarnie was something colossal.

  10. They got the crowd started and soon had them stowed away inside the Cirque Royale, an indoor circus near the Consulate.

  11. He came to call on me in great state, dressed in the handsome uniform of a general of the French Republic, the cast-off garments of some performer at the Cirque Olympique.

  12. After the gymnastic lessons came riding lessons, for which we were taken to the Cirque Olympique, I and my two elder brothers being always put in the charge of a single tutor.

  13. In its earliest stage the cirque is more or less uniformly supplied with snow from all sides, and so it enlarges by recession in a manner to retain its early semicircular outline.

  14. Inasmuch as the crevasse forms where the snow and ice pull away from the rock toward the middle of the depression, the cirque wall in its early stage has the outline of a semicircle.

  15. Attention has already been called to the division of the cirque into subordinate basins separated by small rock arêtes and yielding a markedly scalloped border (Fig.

  16. Those features which are carved above the glacier—the comb ridge, the col, and the horn—are all shaped as a result of intensive weathering upon the cirque wall.

  17. Small glacier remnants hugging the cirque wall and having an incurving front.

  18. In a later stage a larger proportion of the snow reaches the cirque at its sides so that its further enlargement causes it to broaden and to flatten somewhat that part of its outline which represents the head of the valley (Fig.

  19. Glacier largely included in a cirque with subordinate glacierets converging below like the sticks in a lady’s fan.

  20. No longer amply nourished, for the first time its front is hollowed, and it awaits its final dissolution curled up against the cirque wall (Fig.

  21. With the gradual invasion of the upland upon which the cirques have made their attack, the area from which winds may gather up the snow is steadily diminished, and hence cirque recession is correspondingly retarded.

  22. This ultimate product of cirque sculpture by glaciers is called a fretted upland (plate 18 A and 19 B).

  23. As a matter of fact, he spent every night or a portion of every night at the Cirque Parisien, and at each appearance of Mademoiselle Blanche, he was gratified to see that she wore his nightly offering of roses in her belt.

  24. II Saturday was the fashionable night at the Cirque Parisien, and the night when Jules usually attended it.

  25. For years Jules Le Baron had attended the Cirque Parisien at least once a fortnight; his friends used to chaff him for his fondness for it.

  26. Why, he asked, couldn't the marriage take place during the weeks that intervened between her engagement at the Cirque Parisien and her appearance in Vienna?

  27. Jules had watched the dive breathlessly, Just as he had watched Blanche's on the night when he first saw her in the Cirque Parisien, and now he followed her feats of skill and strength with wonder and fascination.

  28. Jules looked at the paper, and in the column devoted to news of the theatre he read of the engagement of Mademoiselle Blanche, of the Cirque Parisien, to Monsieur Jules Le Baron, a young business man of wealth.

  29. Without Mademoiselle Blanche the Cirque Parisien would not be worth visiting.

  30. The one you saw last night--at the Cirque--the Cirque Parisien.

  31. Besides, he himself liked better the plan she suggested of returning to the Cirque Parisien.

  32. The barrister subsequently made a round of the minor cafés in the neighbourhood of the Cirque d'Hiver.

  33. Mademoiselle's name was given to me among others at the Cirque d'Hiver, where I heard most encouraging accounts of her skill.

  34. She made me buy the house in the Rue du Cirque for our meetings; and, between the demands of the husband and those of the wife, I was almost insane.

  35. Favoral was so anxious to spare when he put you in the Rue du Cirque house.

  36. She made use of our house in the Rue du Cirque for purposes of dissipation for herself and her daughter Cesarine.

  37. Thus a cirque lying above an existing valley is to be regarded as the beheaded end of an old valley, preserved by its ice covering, while below the old valley has been fundamentally modified by the scour of the glacial torrents.

  38. At a later stage the lower part of the glacier disappeared and only the cirque glacier was left.

  39. According to the other school, for whom ice is a more powerful eroding agent than water, the cirque was produced by the ice, its presence or absence, in e.

  40. Further, at the top of the wall of the trough a bench or shelf exists, which is obviously the remains of the old cirque floor.

  41. This process was perhaps repeated several times, with the final result that the protected cirque was left as a much-modified remnant of pre-glacial conditions, while the valley below was powerfully eroded by the glacial torrents.

  42. In the case of all characteristic glacial cirques, however, the special feature is that the flat bottom of the cirque is discontinuous with the valley below; they are not parts of the same system of drainage.

  43. The higher cirque lakes, above timberline, enclosed only by cliffs and snow, have an austere beauty of their own, but lack the graces and the wild flowers of their sisters below in the forest zone.

  44. Card debts had to be settled somehow; and an ephemeral attachment to a girl who tied herself in knots at the Nouveau Cirque was responsible for some embarrassment.

  45. We crossed a superb cirque studded with lakelets; we could see the pass ahead of us on a fine snow-crowned bench.

  46. The resulting cavities in the back of the cirque fill with ice, which in its turn freezes fast and plucks out more rock.

  47. But the hour passed and the crossing of the shelf disclosed, not the glowing valley of the South Fork across the pass, but still a vaster, nobler cirque above, sublime in Arctic glory!

  48. Imagine places where cirque walls have been so bitten outside as well as in that they stand like amphitheatres builded up from foundations instead of gouged out of rock from above.

  49. Here you see the Iceberg Cirque from without and above.

  50. A report was spread that the prince was to land at La Cirque and make his entry into Alca on a green horse.

  51. He embarked at night on an old cutter at La Cirque and set sail for Porpoisia.

  52. Cirque d'Hiver opened under the title of Cirque Napoleon, I.

  53. I went to the Cirque with my cousin, and we dined in the Palais Royal.

  54. The floor of the Cirque is an irregular heap of rocks, with the exception of a large heap of snow at the base of the precipices, under which the waters of the cascades run, like the torrents beneath the Swiss glaciers.

  55. To render the first impression of the Cirque or oule more impressive, a small projecting wall of rock marks the entry to the gigantic amphitheatre.

  56. It is literally a rock-ladder, and is the only locality in the wide sweep of the Cirque affording the means of ascent.

  57. The most usual, and by far the most advantageous starting-place, is the village of Gavarnie, near the Cirque of that name.

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cirque" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.