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Example sentences for "circumvallation"

Lexicographically close words:
circumstantial; circumstantiality; circumstantially; circumstantials; circumstaunce; circumvent; circumvented; circumventing; circus; circuses
  1. It was only in the 12th century that the new circumvallation was extended to the island formed by the two arms of the Moselle; it was composed of a high rampart protected by 68 towers.

  2. The Germans considerably strengthened the wall of circumvallation by the addition of 19 bastions surrounded with moats, and themselves protected with 13 advance works.

  3. Its circumvallation incloses an almost exact square, the diagonals of which point to the north, south, east and west respectively.

  4. The pretty steep declivity of that height towards the gulf and its numerous rocks and shallows gave natural strength to the side of the city next to the gulf, and a simple circumvallation was sufficient there.

  5. Resistance to a relieving Army within lines of circumvallation had fallen into such disrepute and contempt that it appears to have entirely escaped consideration as a means.

  6. Fairfax had drawn his lines of circumvallation round Oxford five days after the king's departure, ignorant that he had escaped, and in the full hope of taking him.

  7. Hugh Peters, who was sent up by Cromwell to give an account of the taking of it to Parliament, declaring that its circumvallation was above a mile in circumference.

  8. The Confederates, since the approach of the enemy, have added several new redoubts to their camp, and drawn the cannon out of the lines of circumvallation in a readiness for the batteries.

  9. In another quarter of the field, however, the Corinthian exiles had got the better of their opponents and worked their way up, so that they were now touching the city circumvallation walls.

  10. Meanwhile the Athenians prosecuted the siege of Byzantium; lines of circumvallation were drawn; and they diversified the blockade by sharpshooting at long range and occasional assaults upon the walls.

  11. At Tarentum he learned to his great surprise and satisfaction that the Athenian wall of circumvallation at Syracuse had not yet been completed on the northern side.

  12. The Athenians succeeded in completing the circumvallation towards the south, but in one of their many engagements with the Syracusans they lost the gallant Lamachus.

  13. And the Grecians were once again up in arms, encouraged by the brave attempts of Leosthenes, who was then drawing a circumvallation about Antipater, whom he held close besieged in Lamia.

  14. When the treaty was sworn to on both sides Alcibiades went against the Byzantines, who had revolted from the Athenians, and drew a line of circumvallation about the city.

  15. Nevertheless, being strengthened by the accession of the people of the Acte, as it is called, who put their towns into his hands, he proceeded to carry a palisade and lines of circumvallation around the Acro-Corinthus.

  16. Lines of circumvallation continued long to be the principal means employed by the Romans in the reduction of strong places.

  17. The continuity of the circumvallation is broken on the N.

  18. The circumvallation being very much broken and intersected by passes, exhibits many distinct breaches of continuity, especially on the S.

  19. The most noteworthy features in connection with the circumvallation are the prominent depressions on the W.

  20. Lines of circumvallation were formed, and Serrurier was left in blockade of the fortress, which the possession of four of the accesses enabled him to accomplish with a body of men inferior to the garrison.

  21. Formerly the false system prevailed of encircling a city by a whole army, which buried itself in lines of circumvallation and contravallation.

  22. The position and arrangement of their batteries and lines of circumvallation show that the Chinese were skilled in the art of war.

  23. A pyramidal monument marks the burial place of the Russians who fell at the capture of the city, and the positions of the besiegers are still pointed out; but I believe no traces of the circumvallation are visible.

  24. Pebbles convenient for hurling are promiscuously observed on the mesilla, but they are not numerous; and nowhere along the circumvallation did I notice any trace of heaps.

  25. The aboriginal remains encircled by the great wall of circumvallation and north of the old church are now exhausted, so far as my work among them goes, and the surroundings of the mesilla shall therefore become the subject of report.

  26. The small northern plateau between the transverse circumvallation and the top-wall of A is therefore nearly shut out from communication to the S.

  27. On the east side, between the circumvallation and the eastern line of the structure, there are two more circular depressions similar to those within the court.

  28. The Syracusans and their allies had run out an outwork along Epipolae from the city walls, intersecting the fortified lines of circumvallation which Nicias had commenced, but from which he had been driven by Gylippus.

  29. With but a few skirmishes and little loss, the line of circumvallation was completed by the 18th, and named Camp Washington.

  30. Cæsar immediately laid siege to the place, and drew lines of circumvallation around it.

  31. Crassus drew strong lines of circumvallation around Rhegium, and by his superior numbers prevented the escape of the slaves.

  32. Probably the circumvallation has led to the belief that this, and many other tumuli, were intended for fortresses; but Stonehenge, which nobody ever took to be a fortress, is also surrounded by rampart and ditch.

  33. The circumvallation may have been intended simply to mark the boundary of the holy place, and to cut off all connection with the profane part of the world.

  34. Sir Richmond and Miss Grammont had walked round the old circumvallation together, but Belinda Seyffert had strayed away from them, professing an interest in flowers.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "circumvallation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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