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Example sentences for "churchwardens"

Lexicographically close words:
churchly; churchman; churchmanship; churchmen; churchwarden; churchyard; churchyards; churinga; churl; churles
  1. William Delph and William Thomas Gilbert, churchwardens of St. Augustine, which came before the Consistory Court at Norwich, excited much public comment.

  2. Mr. Middleton was cited to appear and show cause why a faculty should not be granted to the churchwardens directing them to replace the articles.

  3. Down to 1839, the minister received the stipend appointed him by the Church Commissioners; the surplus pew-rents being paid to the churchwardens towards the expenses of the church.

  4. Actions are given to the several parties for non-payment of these sums; the churchwardens are to be allowed such payments; and the rector to have the burial-fees.

  5. In the episcopal church of the United States churchwardens discharge much the same duties as those performed by the English officials; their duties, however, are regulated by canons of the diocese, not by canons general.

  6. Manor of Well Court, to the minister and churchwardens of the parish towards the relief of the poor of St. Martin's.

  7. To multiply, not to diminish, the means of honourable maintenance for women ought to be the object of all Churchwardens and Vestries; as it certainly is the interest of all rate-payers.

  8. In other ways the churchwardens exercised care; and a woman got into trouble with them for acting as a midwife "without licence to the prejudice of several persons.

  9. A vestry meeting was called for the purpose, and conditions were entered into between the churchwardens and the overseers on the one part, and Thomas Wharton on the other.

  10. Occasionally churchwardens were guilty of what would seem to have been vandalism.

  11. In another place it has been shown how the sworn men had often a great share in the selection of the churchwardens and other officials.

  12. The churchwardens were evidently strict about enforcing order, and on one occasion reported "William Stephenson for violent beating of John Wilkinson of Shap upon the sabbath and within the churchyard.

  13. Possibly, by the time the hostelries were reached, the churchwardens felt the need of liquid refreshment; at any rate, they frequently obtained it.

  14. And all ministers and churchwardens are hereby required to be very careful to examine into the truth before they give such certificates; and also to keep a register of all certificates they shall from time to time give.

  15. Always in French Canada a trace of old Gallican liberties has remained, in the power over Church finances left in the hands of churchwardens (marguillers) elected by the people.

  16. The Church, the greatest institution of the village has its annual election--that for a churchwarden; of the three churchwardens one retires every year.

  17. In the church the churchwardens have a special seat of honour assigned to them.

  18. While so late as 1519, the churchwardens of Riccall, in Yorkshire, complain that "pedlars come on festival days into the porch of the church and there sell their merchandise.

  19. The churchwardens then presented each of the boys with a new shilling and dismissed them.

  20. And that the churchwardens should provide a book for each entry, and the parson, vicar, curate, and other person receiving the duty was to be allowed 2s.

  21. With regard to feasting in churches, one of the canons put forth in 1571 specially enjoined the churchwardens to disallow the holding of feasts, drinking parties, banquets, and public entertainments within the walls of churches.

  22. Robertt Aestroppe one of the sayd churchwardens to make a mortar off.

  23. In 1631, however, the agitation was renewed, this time in the form of a petition from the churchwardens and constables of the precinct of Blackfriars to William Laud, then Bishop of London.

  24. Lord Eldon, and his lordship instantly directed the churchwardens to render an account of the trust within a few days.

  25. It is told of the same "casual" that an attempt was made to get the better of him by a parsimonious set of churchwardens upon the occasion of his being engaged to do duty for the regular parson of the parish.

  26. In the vestry, after he had preached the sermon, he was waited on by the senior churchwarden, who handed him his fee and expressed the great satisfaction felt by the churchwardens at the manner in which the work had been executed.

  27. The question was brought into the Court of Queen's Bench in 1879, and it was decided that a Burial Board was required to maintain a closed cemetery, and that Churchwardens were the proper persons to maintain a closed churchyard.

  28. The Parish Council have a right to reasonable access to all such books and documents referred to above, and the incumbent and Churchwardens have a similar right with respect to books, etc.

  29. Churchwardens and Overseers of a parish to acquire lands, &c.

  30. Churchwardens must work with the Clergy and the Clergy with the Churchwardens if they are to be a blessing in the parish in which they are elected to serve.

  31. The ratepayers of the whole of the old parish have consequently a right to vote in vestry at the election of the Churchwardens in the old parish.

  32. Churchwardens after order or at any time upon requisition of ten ratepayers to convene Vestry Meeting to determine whether a burial ground shall be provided.

  33. I once more express the hope that this Manual may be found increasingly helpful in the hands of the Churchwardens in the carrying out of their very responsible duties as officers of the Church.

  34. The Law - Churchwardens of every parish shall oversee the poor in their parish.

  35. Churchwardens shall tax every inhabitant, including parson and vicar and every occupier of land and houses as they shall think fit.

  36. Churchwardens could seize the goods and chattels of putative fathers and mothers deserting bastard children.

  37. Churchwardens were to take oaths to inform against any who disobeyed.

  38. Two Justices of the Peace may commit to gaol or house of correction persons refusing to work and disobedient churchwardens and overseers.

  39. Before the churchwardens or any one else could make out what the clatter meant, the creature was well up the central passage of the nave.

  40. Kent by the churchwardens and overseers of the parish of Norton, Suffolk.

  41. Kent, by the churchwardens and overseers of Buxhall, Suffolk.

  42. Kent by the order of the Churchwardens and Overseers of that parish.

  43. The churchwardens of every parish might refuse the removal of persons and families into their parish but upon their having entered into this office.

  44. When he was disrobing in the vestry after preaching the ser mon, a couple of churchwardens approached him on the subject of the evening service also.

  45. What I wish to say to each and every one of you whom I see assembled before me--and what I think it is the intention of your churchwardens that I should communicate to you--is that there will be no sermon in this church to-night.

  46. The =churchwardens and overseers= had to attend to the relief of the poor.

  47. But by far the most important business was that of the churchwardens and overseers.

  48. Then the churchwardens turned, blew their noses, and re-entered the church, where they sat out the rest of the service, grateful in their hearts that they had been enabled that day to show that their office was no sinecure.

  49. Strips of the adhesive plaster were applied to the wound, and the boy was soon sufficiently recovered to stand on his feet, when the churchwardens very considerately undertook to march him home.

  50. Then when with a shock the parson and the churchwardens saw the ragged urchin coming up the nave fiddling, with his hat on, regardless of the sacredness of the place, and above all of the sacredness of the presence of the squire, J.

  51. The squire was shocked, as were his wife and daughter, and the churchwardens were in consternation.

  52. The churchwardens were unaware that in banging and kicking the little boy out of the churchyard and into the road they had flung him so that he fell with his head upon the curbstone of the footpath, which stone was of slate, and sharp.

  53. The beautiful brass (engraved in this same work) of Robert Attelath, Mayor of Lynn in 1374, was about forty years ago "given out of the church by the Churchwardens to a person who sold it for five shillings to a brass founder.

  54. B] I am not desirous of defending these men, but I am desirous that modern Churchwardens should not screen their neglect by such an excuse.

  55. Surely, the soldiers of Cromwell have sins enough to answer for, without heaping those of modern Churchwardens on their heads.

  56. Some few Antiquaries have argued that they are better taken care of in their museums than thus exposed to destruction; and churchwardens being willing "to get rid of the ugly old things," many have disappeared this way.

  57. The seats reserved for the churchwardens were on the opposite side of the aisle, but almost upon a level with those in which the new-comers were seated--perhaps some two rows of chairs behind.

  58. He is the king of all the churchwardens in England, I think.

  59. One of the churchwardens was able to find seats for the party about half-way down the central aisle.

  60. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "churchwardens" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.