So soon as she was out of hearing, the major exchanged confidential chuckles with his old comrade.
She turned sober in an instant, wild laughter dying to bubbling chuckles at itself.
Much-traveled herself, she found her farm far from beaten paths, lost down a grassy lane where a brown brook clatters and chuckles from out a hushed woodland.
His joyous chuckles never cease till Ackronnion sings of the malignity of time, when the Gladsome Beast weeps great tears into an agate bowl.
Whereupon Letitia chuckles with ill-suppressed amusement and gives it as her opinion that "dear Molly isn't as bad as she thinks herself.
He chuckles odiously as he winds up this pleasing speech.
The common wombat still meditates and chuckles inwardly over his victory, and the hairy-nosed wombat is thinking hard, and mustn't be disturbed.
Then the night came for the cracking of his own crib, and he continued to give vent to a succession of boisterouschuckles every one of which nearly killed him; only a ghost is a difficult thing to kill.
Clint was forced to chuckle some himself when he had heard Amy through, but the chuckles were followed by earnest efforts to dissuade his friend from his proposed scheme.
Then his questions met only with more chuckles and evasion.
But he onlychuckles easy, waves me to take a chair, and goes on with: "What's the word from the Syracuse sector?
The contented chuckles of the Gladsome Beast suddenly ceased in his lair.
At first there was dangerous climbing, and then Ackronnion gained the smooth, broad steps that led from the edge to the lair, and at that moment heard at the top of the steps the continuous chuckles of the Gladsome Beast.
How she chuckles with joy, as she grins forth a laugh!
Gentle chuckles had succeeded his laughter by the time the bread and cheese appeared.
In reply to a bantering remark of his, Laxley had hummed over bits of his oration, amid the chuckles of his comrades.
Madame, there is another vow of chastity changed into an amorous desire," said one of her women; and the chuckles commenced again thick as hail.
The novice laughed herself, thinking that thesechuckles were caused by the sister's exclamation.
And afterwards they told with chuckles how even the captain, who was an original Prohibitionist before he became a Populist, touched his lips to the glass that was passed over the big map.
He was not aware that there were two of them standing in waiting in the hall, their powdered heads close together, so that their whispers and chuckles could be heard.
His chuckles rather broke his words when he spoke.
Doctor Morgan, Hepsie, Jake, and Luther were splendid assets in the race with public feeling, and Silas saw his young neighbour's affairs straighten out with chuckles of delight.
If you are afraid, drop back to the rear, Professor," suggested Stacy, whereat chuckles were heard from the others.
The professor started, a faint touch of color showing under his tan, while audible chuckles might have been heard from the boys in the background.
Straight through to the end he read, and several deep chuckles broke the silence, real chuckles of delight, such as Kit had never heard from the Dean.
The Ante-Room peers cautiously round to discover the identity of the unfortunate victim, and chuckles in its turn.
On her way back she passed old Tom's chamber, and his chuckleswere audible to her.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chuckles" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.