The laggard breeze comes to me now from the maple swamp, slow and sleepy with the odor of the white azaleas; a flock of chickadees stop and quiz me; the quivering click-clack of a distant mowing-machine fills the air with a drowsy hum.
For days at a time I would not see even a crow, but morning and evening, at a certain dip in the road, two chickadees would fly from bush to bush across the hollow and cheer me on the way.
There is spring in the talk of the chickadees outside my window, and in the cheerful bluster of a red squirrel in the hickory.
Before the woods were in leaf one spring I found a pair of chickadees building in a birch along the edge of the swamp.
The chickadees were silent at first, but now they approach by little journeys, as if to make our acquaintance.
Curiously enough, a small family of Black-capped Chickadeestravelling slowly through the spruce was totally disregarded.
The warblers and the juncos, kinglets, or chickadeesprobably do not compete for food as would one warbler with another of the same species.
In general the relations of these warblers with other birds was not unfriendly; no attention was paid to passing Chickadees nor to Chewinks and Maryland Yellow-throats that nested near.
The old deserted holes of woodpeckers or chickadees are favorite nesting sites; the entrances to these have often been enlarged by other agencies, or are badly weathered.
The chickadees were busy all round us, making little bright chirrupy sounds.
Penthestes atricapillus group of chickadees across the North American continent in about the latitude of the state of Washington.
And the numbers of eggs, and larvae, and of the lurking tenants of crevices in tree-bark and dead wood, may be guessed by the incessant and assuredly not aimless activity of the chickadees and gold-crests and their associates.
When the snow has buried seed and berries, a flock of juncos, mingling sociably with the sparrows and chickadees about the kitchen door, will pick up scraps of food with an intimacy quite touching in a bird naturally rather shy.
The titmice or chickadees (Parinae) are fluffy little gray birds, the one crested.
Chickadees are partial to tree-tops, especially to the highest pine cones, on which they hang fearlessly.
The moral that it pays to attract chickadees about your home by feeding them in winter is obvious.
These birds, a little larger than the others before noticed, are not so numerous as the Chickadees and Snow-birds, but they are very interesting.
Still the Chickadees are strangely tender, needing a warm, cosy nest to shield their little bodies.
Unlike the Chickadees and Nuthatches, who also are partial to the woods, they very rarely descend to the ground to either hop about or hunt for food.
Very useful they are, these little Brown Creepers, as well as the Chickadees and Nuthatches, for they help preserve our beautiful trees and shrubbery from the destroying worms and insects.
If the Chickadees can not find these, they set to work themselves and with great labor dig a hole in a tree, or post, for their winter quarters.
They are much shyer than either the Chickadees or Snow-birds; but they are often seen on the roadsides and in the lanes searching for the seeds of weeds that grow there.
VII And you certainly do have chickadees in your woods.
Before the woods were in leaf last spring I found a pair of chickadees building in a birch along the edge of the swamp.
For days at a time I would not see even a crow, but morning and evening at a certain dip in the road two chickadees would fly from bush to bush across the hollow and cheer me on my way.
Even the brave chickadees are appalled, and the disheartened woodpecker mopes beside the dead trunk, behind whose impenetrable shield he can hear the grub boring in safety.
Under his breath he tells the confiding chickadees and woodpeckers what undreamed-of danger they would be in from such a brave, were he not in pursuit of nobler game.
The titmice or chickadees (ParinA|) are fluffy little gray birds, the one crested, the other with a black cap.
Seed size preference in chickadees and tits in relation to ambient temperatures.
If we cannot give a good answer to this question, we might as well go home and study chickadees instead.
The chickadees were loudly singing the praises of the visitors who had brought them such a delicious treat.
The chickadees soon discovered them, and fell to carrying them off as fast as ever they could, distributing them among the branches of the Norway spruces.
While the jays are feeding, swallowing morsel after morsel very rapidly, the chickadees flit about in an anxious, peevish manner, lest there be none left for themselves.
One of the chickadees seized this; it was all he could carry, but he made off with it.
Evidently the nuthatch thinks there must be food where the chickadees flit and call so cheerily, and the woodpecker is probably drawn to the nuthatch for a similar reason.
I found them in and about a hemlock-tree,--eight or ten chickadees and four or five red-bellied nuthatches.
The chickadees were clinging to the ends of the sprays, as usual, apparently very busy looking for food, and all the time uttering their shrill plaint.
The jays bossed the woodpeckers, the woodpeckers bossed the chickadees, and the chickadees bossed the kinglet.
The first one to come near me was full of inquisitiveness; he flew back and forth past my head, exactly as chickadees do in a similar mood, and once seemed almost ready to alight on my hat.
But such outrageous trespassing was not to be allowed for a moment by the chickadees and whenever the little brown rogue crept up to the entrance to peep in, out would pop the proprietor, in his jaunty black cap, and put him to flight.
One day early in the spring, while taking bird notes I discovered a pair of chickadees busily engaged in constructing a home.
But these little yellow chickadees write plainly enough, and I do think they are wonderfully clever.
You chickadees may each select your favorite flavor of ice cream and then we'll get a goodly portion of each, with a fair share thrown in for Grandma and myself.
We would let him perch on a branch, when we Chickadees would nestle around him until he was as warm as in the lovely summer time.
The drip-drip from the eaves and the chirp of the chickadees came as music to his ears.
Outside could be heard the steady drip-drip from the melting icicles, and the chirp of the chickadees industriously seeking a breakfast around the door made the morning cheery.
Nest: Chickadees nest in cavities but roost anywhere convenient, generally not in cavities (Odum 1942).
Black-capped and Carolina chickadeesline their nesting cavities with fine grasses and feathers.
Nest: Natural cavities, old woodpecker holes, or cavities excavated by thechickadees themselves are used for nesting (Bent 1946).
In southwestern Montana, during summer, mountain chickadees fed on lepidopteran larvae, especially cone worms and spruce budworms (DeWeese et al.
Nest: The nesting habits of the black-capped and Carolina chickadeesare quite similar.
Nest: Mountain chickadees usually nest in natural cavities or abandoned woodpecker holes, and probably do not excavate their own cavities if suitable ones are available (Bent 1946).
But the doctor did not admire it--and went down the hill without even taking off his hat to the chickadees that bobbed their black caps at him from both sides of the road.
Gay voices and steps and snowballing on the broad street; gay snowbirds and chickadees in the branches; in the house glad faces; over and upon all, clear sunshine and the soft hush of a winter's morning.
When he was through, or maybe between seasons, the Chickadees made a winter den of it, for there were some Chickadee tail-feathers in the bottom.
Next year it seems it came again and made another nest on top of the last; then that winter the Chickadees again used it for a cubby-hole, for there were some more Chickadee feathers.
There was a good deal of snow on the ground, which made the Chickadees unusually tame--being hungry.
I at once confess a failure to restore anything like the condition in which they were found, and when the front of their dwelling was replaced Chickadees were overflowing at the door.
An account of How the Central Park Chickadeeswere Tamed by Anne A.
A few days later I found their home deserted, and as no other pair of Chickadees was known to nest in the vicinity, I imagine them to compose a troop of birds I sometimes meet in the neighborhood.
And now, where were those noisy little Chickadees who had been calling to us from the alder bushes for the last half-hour?
But this was not all; there was another layer of Chickadees below, how many it was impossible to say without disentangling a compact wad of birds in which the outlines of no one bird could be distinguished.
Illustration] How the Central Park Chickadees Were Tamed BY A.
The chickadees and nuthatches always build a soft little nest of grass, leaves, and feathers, while the woodpeckers lay their eggs on a bed of chips, and carry nothing in from outside.
In fact, the towboat was having such a good time he did not fully realize the current was carrying his tow rapidly towards the old mill dam.
Landsakes," spoke up Lin, "step in the parlor and look at yerself.
Bowing and scraping, he began by apologizing profusely: "Cunnel, I declars I hates to tell you all but the gemmen dat runs de frolik jus tol' me I has to.
Catbirds and robins are among the most abundant breeders, while chickadees and white-breasted nuthatches are less often seen.
Sparrows may hover about him and peck in vain; chickadees may clutch the dangling finger and pound with all their tiny might.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chickadees" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.