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Example sentences for "chartering"

Lexicographically close words:
chart; charted; charter; chartered; charterers; charters; chartes; charting; chartless; chartre
  1. An event of far greater importance than the chartering of Carolina was the seizure of New Netherland.

  2. Reason for chartering the second Bank of the United States.

  3. They went to Spain, where their ships were often sold, the captains chartering English vessels and coming home with cargoes of goods made in England.

  4. What led to the chartering of state banks.

  5. A result of this bubble burst was the chartering of two corporations for marine insurance and prohibition of such by any partnership or firm.

  6. There was chartering of merchant companies and granting of exclusive rights to new industries as monopolies.

  7. The remnant of Republican prejudice against Federalist finances was just sufficient to prevent the re-chartering of the United States Bank in 1811.

  8. Chartering a wherry, we were pulled off to her.

  9. Chartering a dinghy, I pulled myself off to her, and stepped aboard.

  10. Was it out of the bonus of a hundred thousand ducats, which he received for chartering or sanctioning the college?

  11. It is probable enough, that although these alleged causes of jealousy and alarm are known to be groundless by the state banks, the proposition against re-chartering the bank addresses itself to those institutions in another way.

  12. The Supreme Court had decided in favor of the constitutionality of the institution; a democratic Congress, in chartering a second bank, had yielded the question, both of constitutionality and expediency.

  13. This is one of the evils of chartering a bank with such an amount of capital, with the right of shooting its branches into every part of the Union, so as to extend its influence to every neighborhood.

  14. To the north, the chartering of the Toronto, Guelph and Sarnia, amalgamated later with the Grand Trunk, cut into its best territory.

  15. Going beyond these terms, the Dominion endeavoured also to prevent Manitoba from authorizing the construction of any such road, and disallowed one chartering act after another.

  16. Sir John replied that the Government had not ships enough for its own use; that it was at that very moment chartering vessels to take troops to Malta--"but he would see what he could do.

  17. And, of course, if we succeed meantime in chartering the Lion at a satisfactory price, we can throw the Unicorn back on Hudner at the end of the sixty days.

  18. I am chartering the steamer from the company and expect Don Ramon will let you off.

  19. The company is chartering the old Mossamedes and ye're to gang to Africa on board.

  20. If there was any difficulty about Wolf's chartering Cayman, she must persuade her husband.

  21. They have constantly supplied their place, and have at all times, by building and by chartering at the highest prices, kept up a large and costly fleet for their ramified service.

  22. They were continued through several sessions, up to 1816, when they ultimated in the chartering of the last bank of the United States.

  23. I further recommend that this legislation include adequate authority for chartering vessels both here and abroad.

  24. I was near being delayed a day at Calais, France, but succeeded in chartering a boat to take me over the Channel.

  25. The personal interest of the individual legislator in passing a measure for chartering banks or spending the internal improvement fund may be greater than his interest as one of the community in preventing bad laws.

  26. They told Joe they would see Senor Hendos, and arrange with him for chartering the Tartar.

  27. Congress met in the autumn and endeavoured to remedy the situation by chartering a bank; but under the general suspension of specie payments it was impossible to start one solvent from the beginning.

  28. In addition, he called for an excise tax, and {145} later recommended the chartering of a National Bank to serve the same function in America that the Bank of England performed in Great Britain.

  29. The existing bank contends that it is beyond the power of a State to tax it, and if this pretension be well founded, it is in the power of Congress, by chartering companies, to dry up the whole of the sources of State revenue.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chartering" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.