At this time also master Robert Baldocke, a man euill beloued in the realme, was made lord chancellour of England.
Michaels colledge in Cambridge, by one sir Henrie Stanton knight, chancellour of the excheker.
The bishop of Elie lord chancellour and cheefe iustice of England was also sent backe hither into this realme, to set forward things behoouefull for the kings iournie.
To hold, mainteine and obserue this peace, the said earle and chancellour sware in the hand of the archbishop of Rouen with seuen barons on either part.
The chancellour perceiuing the multitude to be such which he had with him in the tower, [Sidenote: The chancellour yéeldeth vp the tower.
The bishop of Elie lord chancellour went on the right hand of the king, and the bishop of London on the left.
Some write, that now at this present, the king should ordeine or rather confirme the bishop of Elie his chancellour to be lord chéefe iustice ouer all England, and the bishop of Durham to be lord iustice from Trent northwards.
But thechancellour deteining the same wholie in his hands, ordered all things at his pleasure, without making the archbish.
Yee shall vnderstand, that after king Richard was set forward on his iournie, William Longchampe lord chancellour and bishop of Elie, [Sidenote: Polydor.
The chancellour considering with himselfe that there was small trust to be put in diuerse of those lords that were with him, bearing good will to [Sidenote: The chancellor raiseth his siege with dishonour.
Here insue the answers to the accusations made by my lord of Winchester chancellour of England, vnto the causes and matters of heauinesse, declared in the articles against him by my lord of Glocester.
We haue therfore determined within our selfe to send for our chancellour of England, and for other lords of our councell, yea and all other, togither within short time ripelie to common of these and other our great matters.
This James Hussee was afterwards knighted by king James and was made Chancellour of Sarum.
He was one of the gentlemen that wayted on the Lord Chancellour Bacon.
Then the King's Serjeant at Law declareth and inferreth the necessity; which heard, the Lord Chancellour desireth respite of farther advice.
On this place the Lord Chancellour More was wont to recreate himselfe and contemplate.
Tis dedicated 'To the right honourable Sir Thomas Bromley, Lord Chancellourof England, and one of her majestie's most honourable privy councell.
The Chancellour was in his gowne, and besides ancient, and not able to struggle with such a strong fellowe.
This yeare Rafe Neuill bishop of Cicester andchancellour of England departed this life.
Subscribed by the Emperours Chancellour and Secretarie Vasili Shalean.
And when we shall sende any aduenture into England then our Chancellour to giue them a yeeres warning, that their ships may be prouided thereafter, that by taking in of our wares, they leaue not their owne behind them.
And in the meane time, the earle of Salisburie, the bishop of saint Dauie lord chancellour of England, and the bishop of Hereford went ouer to Calis.
About this season, was Marton colledge in Oxenford founded by Walter Marton that was lord Chancellour of England, and after bishop of Rochester.
The Lord Chancellour Bacon loved to converse with him.
Sir Edward Hyde, Earle of Clarendon, Lord Chancellour of England, was born at Dynton in Wiltshire.
The Lord Chancellour Bacon speakes of the like of the old Countesse of Desmond, in Ireland.
Be this Mr. Patrick had ended his speeches, the Chancellour bid him say something in defence of his brother, and to answer to the points of the summons made and raised upon his brother and the rest of the lords and barons.
Accordingly he interfered in the following remarkable way:-- "To that effect he stamped on his brother's foot to latt him understand that he was not content with the decree which the Chancellour proponed to him.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chancellour" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.