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Example sentences for "cellarer"

Lexicographically close words:
celibates; cell; cella; cellar; cellarage; cellaress; cellaret; cellars; celle; celled
  1. Old women with their distaffs rush out on a distressed Cellarer in shrill Chartism.

  2. The abbot should see to it also that the sick are not neglected by the cellarer or the other servants, for their negligence will be placed to his account, if he is not diligent in correcting them.

  3. In large congregations, the cellarer shall be excused from service in the kitchen, as also those who, as we have already indicated, are engaged in more important labors; but all the others shall serve in their turn.

  4. In large congregations, the cellarer should have assistants, with whose aid he may be able to fulfil the duties committed to him without unnecessary worry.

  5. If the monks are to have supper as well as dinner, the cellarer shall cut off a third of the loaf of bread which is served at dinner and keep it for the later meal.

  6. Cellarer is stated To have aver-peni, to wit, for each thirty acres two pence.

  7. The Cellarer was used freely to take all the dung-hills in every street, for his own use, unless it were before the doors of those who were holding averland; for to them only was it allowable to collect dung and to keep it.

  8. Every canon save the seneschal and cellarer must attend Matins, High Mass, and the Hours.

  9. The seneschal, if present in the priory for two nights together, must attend one Matins, and the cellarer must be present at service on alternate nights at least.

  10. The cellarer said there was a lot o' foreign gold locked up in there, and that must ha' been what was heaved out.

  11. From the too free tongue of a cellarer one night Padraig learned that this chamber adjoined the treasure-vaults of the Temple, but the communicating door had been walled up.

  12. Below these sat the high cellarer of Emmet, and others chief among the brethren.

  13. Doss thou bid me, the high cellarer of Fountain Abbey, to get down from my horse and kneel in the dirty road to pray to some beggarly Saxon saint?

  14. Old Simon the Cellarer keeps a large store Of Malmsey and Malvoisie, And Cyprus and who can say how many more?

  15. Towards the close of the century, however, we meet with sure proof of the advent of the delectable beverage with which the worthy cellarer of Hautvillers was the first to endow droughty humanity.

  16. Methinks our Cellarer draws the half of it from the Convent's well.

  17. So saying, the cellarer put his arm round the waist of the dark-eyed maid, who did not resist very long; for what is a kiss at vintage-time?

  18. Until the Huns are all driven out of the country, our cellarer is not to complain about the emptying of his tuns.

  19. On that day the highway skirting the forest was made brilliant by a grand array of ecclesiastics and their retainers, at their head no less a personage than the fat cellarer of St. Mary's.

  20. As they sat awaiting the cellarer burst in upon them, full of exultation.

  21. In vain the high cellarer denied that he represented any such exalted personage.

  22. Walter Warfield, cellarer to the monastery, caused both these gates, with the appurtenances, to be built in the reign of Edward III.

  23. Just at that moment the high cellarer of the abbey entered to congratulate the abbot on Sir Richard's absence.

  24. His duties lay in the church and cloister, and, unless he held an office such as that of cellarer or kitchener, he was not immediately concerned with the business affairs of his convent.

  25. The duties of the almoner have already been noticed: he and the cellarer were frequently assisted by a sub-almoner and sub-cellarer.

  26. The cellarer and almoner were invariably found in all monasteries.

  27. The somewhat trite remark of the cellarer at Leicester in 1440 that 'abundance of money is the cause of many evils' is justified over and over again in the records of episcopal visitations.

  28. About the beginning of the fifteenth century, the accommodation for guests under charge of the cellarer was enlarged by the building of a range of guest-chambers on the north side of the kitchen[16].

  29. The same excuse applied for more obvious reasons to the cellarer and almoner, and to the monks who filled the offices of treasurer and master of the works, the second of whom controlled the repairs of the church and monastery.

  30. Thus the cellarer of Evesham supplied the frater daily with 72 loaves.

  31. The cellarer was the chief means of communication between the house and the world outside: he marketed and went to fairs, and bought the necessary provisions and furniture.

  32. At one time these gastronomics were so heaped up that they reached the level of the staircase where the cellarer stood.

  33. There was brought to the cellarer a savory caudle in a silver bowl borne on a tray of the same metal.

  34. It fell to Mark's lot to entertain the new chaplain that evening, because Brother Jerome who had become guest-master when Brother Anselm took his place as cellarer was in the infirmary.

  35. I don't think you can put St. Joseph in the same class as the saints you have just mentioned," pompously interposed Brother Jerome, who was cellarer nowadays and fancied that the continued existence of the Abbey depended on himself.

  36. I neither will nor can receive those guests whom it belongs to you to entertain; else take back the keys of your cellar, and appoint some other cellarer at your good pleasure.

  37. When this came to the abbot's knowledge on the morrow, he forbade both meat and drink to the cellarer until he restored all.

  38. From the time when the town of St. Edmund received the name and liberty of a borough, the men of every house used to give to the cellarer one penny in the beginning of August, to reap our corn, which annual payment was called rep-silver.

  39. The cellarer was also wont to exercise authority over the ways without the town, so that it was not lawful for any one to dig for chalk or clay without his licence.

  40. Also, the cellarer was used freely to take all the dunghills in the street, for his own use, unless it were before the doors of those who were holding averland; for to them only was it allowable to collect dung, and to keep it.

  41. For the cellarer was accustomed to receive one penny by the year for every cow belonging to the men of the town for their dung and pasture (unless perchance they happened to be the cows of the chaplains or of the servants at the court lodge).

  42. There were 100 pints of wine in the cask, and on thirty occasions John the Cellarer had stolen a pint and replaced it with a pint of water.

  43. Then Abbot David looked grave, and said that this incident brought to his mind the painful fact that John the Cellarer had been caught robbing the cask of best Malvoisie that was reserved for special occasions.

  44. During his childhood he had kept sheep; he had then been cellarer to the cathedral; had become first an anchorite, then a monk, and finally Abbot of the Monastery of Corbion in the forests of the Orne.

  45. And, Christie, do thou look to the young springald, and call to the cellarer for a flagon of the best.

  46. The cellarer will bestow on each a grace-cup and a morsel as ye pass the buttery, for ye have been turmoiled and anxious, and dangerous it is to fall asleep in such case with empty stomach.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cellarer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.