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Example sentences for "cavate"

Lexicographically close words:
cavallos; cavalry; cavalryman; cavalrymen; cavass; cavatina; cave; cavea; caveat; caveats
  1. Such are the cliff ruins, the cavate lodges, and the single house remains.

  2. It is believed that the cliff ruins and cavate lodges, which are merely variants of each other due to geological conditions, were simply farming shelters of another type, produced by a certain topographic environment.

  3. Here, however, the cavate lodge is the feature which has been most developed, and it is noteworthy that the village ruins that occur in connection with them are small and unimportant and occupy a subordinate position.

  4. The almost absolute dependence of the native builder on nature as he found it is well illustrated by these cavate lodges.

  5. In the region under discussion cavate lodges usually occur in connection with and subordinate to village ruins, and range in number from two or three rooms to clusters of considerable size.

  6. It is located in a projecting corner of the bluff and marks the eastern limit of the cavate lodges at this end of the canyon.

  7. In short, the occurrence of the cavate lodges in this locality is determined absolutely by the occurrence of one particular stratum, and when that stratum disappears the lodges disappear.

  8. The lowest stratum shown in the figure is that in which almost all the cavate lodges occur.

  9. The cavate lodges are generally rudely circular in shape, sometimes oblong, but never rectangular.

  10. It will be noticed that here again the cavate lodges and village ruins are associated, although in this case the village ruins on the mesas above are said to be more ancient than the cavate lodges.

  11. Indeed, this whole region is one of cliff and cavate and other forsaken dwellings.

  12. But it is the human interest given by the vacant houses of a forgotten race--the cavate dwellings of the pink and white tufa cliffs and the ruined communal dwellings on the caƱon floor and on the mesa top near by--that brings most visitors.

  13. Then they constructed stairways in the soft rock, by which their cavate houses were reached; and in these rock shelters they lived during times of war.

  14. The cliff pueblos and dwellings, the cavate dwellings, and the cinder-cone towns were all built and occupied for defensive purposes when powerful enemies threatened.

  15. The cavate dwellings of the Rio Verde were first described by Dr E.

  16. The position of the cavate dwellings is a disadvantageous one to reach any cultivated fields if defenders were necessary.

  17. From the geological character of the Red-rocks I was led to suspect that cavate dwellings were not to be expected.

  18. Entering one of these cavate rooms the visitor finds himself in a dark chamber, as a rule with side openings or passageways into adjoining rooms.

  19. The cavate dwellings are likewise a form of habitation which shows considerable workmanship, and are far from caves like those inhabited by "cave men.

  20. Here, in fact, we have so close a resemblance to the masonry of true cliff houses that we can hardly doubt that the excavators of the cavate dwellings were, in reality, people similar to those who built the cliff houses of Verde valley.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cavate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.