Nam percussit eos in posteriora, opprobrium sempiternum dans illis, ita ut in partibus pudendis, tam in ipsis quam eorum successoribus, similes caudae nascerentur.
That the perfection of consistency in a nation, is to dock itself at home, while its foreign agents furiously cultivate caudae abroad.
A shudder among the ladies, who, I afterwards ascertained, loved to carry their caudae as high as our women like to carry their heads, proved the severity of the decree.
The muscles of the caudal area that were used for comparison were the levator caudaeand the lateralis caudae.
The lateralis caudae differs more according to species than does the levator caudae, showing that rudder action of the tail is of primary importance in the adaptation for capturing insects.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "caudae" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.