She could not afford to provide for carfare on stormy days; a rain coat, overshoes and umbrella, more expensive at the outset, were incomparably cheaper in the long run.
What was the use, they would ask, of wasting time and energy and a possible carfare riding out to the stockyards every night when the weather was pleasant and they could crawl under a truck or into an empty doorway and sleep exactly as well?
And I reached for my purse, and for one wild moment I thought sure he had called my bluff and would really take my only nickel, my carfare home.
But on the sixth day, Terry came, and then I had a good square meal, and he even left me carfare and some of the horrible stuff he calls tobacco.
Finally the third day toward evening I got desperate, and going into my bedroom, I prayed earnestly, not knowing where a penny of carfare would come from.
I did not have the money for my carfare but stood up against a pillar in the station praying the Lord to send it.
In addition to money wages received for day work, women get their carfare and often one or two meals, while men receive only the money wages.
With these two items and carfare deducted from a mother's weekly wage of $9 there is little left for other necessities.
Girls in other paid employments, who pay board and lodging, washing, and carfare out of ten or twelve dollars a week, are practically unable to save anything.
We all find a compelling necessity to spend money for food, shelter, clothing, carfare and other incidentals.
I have a bottle of milk in my bag for the baby, but that is all there is except carfare home, and I'm sorry but p'raps next time Tommy will think how he leaves good suppers on street cars.
She earned the carfare to bring them out here for the afternoon by digging weeds on lawns.
He spent five cents on carfare each morning, and saved five by walking home each night.
Like to have two dollars a week pocket money out of which I must pay my carfare and buy whatever I need?
Carfare and board deducted, they get less than a good hired girl--and they don't go to Europe for the summers and never by any chance marry some rising young farmer who has made the first payment on a quarter section.
Five centscarfare lands you in the French district.
It was fifteen minutes' walk from the store, and by taking this walk twice a day she saved carfare and the price of luncheon.
To save carfare she walked to her work--about forty minutes' distance.
She saved carfare by a walk of three-quarters of an hour, adding daily one and a half hours to the nine and a half already spent in operating.
The weekly expense was palpably increased by 60 cents a week for luncheon and 30 cents for carfare to ride to work.
Although she walked sometimes from work, carfare usually amounted to 50 cents a week.
From her present wage of $4 she spent 60 cents a week for carfare and $4.
It was quite near our hotel, so Dee's agony over Louis' feelings about carfare was assuaged.
I was trying to head off a trip wherecarfare would be necessary.
If his trip meant riding a street car, then going to the cashier forcarfare is his primary force.
Even in those days there wasn't much left over after carfare and lunches had been deducted.
You--you have been giving me five dollars a month for my carfare and change since I began teaching, Papa.
Otherwise even carfaremight be an extravagance now.
Instead of keeping the sixteen dollars for your carfare and incidentals and such?
He had smilingly, at her mother's request, advanced the amount needed for books and other material for her teaching, and a second sum for carfare to the Williams' in bad weather.
But the most discouraging of all was the telling of the cost of carfareto the Adirondacks.
Vernon's lawn all summer before you can raise money enough to pay carfare to the Adirondacks!
Why, you didn't even want to let me pay your carfare down here!