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Example sentences for "caretakers"

Lexicographically close words:
caressing; caressingly; carest; caret; caretaker; caretaking; careth; careworn; carfare; carga
  1. The incarcerations were less numerous and less rigorous, but the rule of the prison lost something of that aristocratic air which had characterized it.

  2. The most important episode in the history of the Bastille during the Regency was the incarceration of those who were accused of complicity in the Cellamare conspiracy.

  3. Why must these caretakers always tease you to do something when you don't want to!

  4. These evil-looking children and caretakers are the most pertinacious and insolent you will encounter anywhere in the island.

  5. At present the two caretakers hold the citadel, which is also garrisoned by a force of sixteen policemen regularly relieved by day and by night, every man armed to the teeth.

  6. He left Limerick at midnight with an ammunition and provision train of seven cars, with two caretakers and four workmen, with materials to fortify the place.

  7. The people brought boards, and showed the caretakers their coffins in the rough.

  8. On the auspicious day MacAdam arrived from Limerick, accompanied by two men from Dublin, whom he proposed to instal as caretakers in Malone's house.

  9. We are the caretakers of empty houses, The moon leans her slender body against the door, But the lock is jarred with rust.

  10. All these clouds were caretakers watching for the welfare of that girl.

  11. They were sometimes set apart as spirit caretakers of little children.

  12. The caretakers decided that they must be husband and wife.

  13. Anyhow the place is in the hands of caretakers now; the butler and his wife are looking after it till the heir turns up, whoever he may be.

  14. Tell all caretakers to report his progress to me as he goes over their beacons.

  15. In no time, therefore, these two Air Mail stations and the caretakers at various landing fields, knew that Jimmy was flying east in the fog.

  16. The message will reach caretakers at beacons all along the route.

  17. So when George called at his own house, which was occupied by caretakers he had not appointed, the doors were locked against him.

  18. Others of a still higher order of understanding, attributed the eccentricities of the caretakers to one cause alone: the Petershof air.

  19. To-day there were only a few rebels gathered together, but they were more than usually excited, because the Doctors had told several of them that their respective caretakers must be sent home.

  20. To remonstrate with the caretakers would have been folly: for they were well satisfied with their own methods.

  21. On the contrary, it was the custom for the caretakers to depreciate the place, and to deplore the necessity which obliged them to continue there month after month.

  22. They generally held their conferences in the rooms known as the newspaper-rooms, where they were not likely to be interrupted by any caretakers who might have stayed at home because, they were tired out.

  23. They have received no special care, the elements have not spared them nor caretakers guarded them.

  24. These, the police, and the servants and caretakers of the houses that lined the boulevards alone were visible.

  25. It is a tiny individual, and your responsibilities as parents and caretakers are very great.

  26. It should not become the center of a circle of admiring and indulgent family friends and caretakers who will succeed in effectually destroying what little degree of self-control it may be fortunate enough to possess.

  27. It is only necessary for anyone to walk out into the public parks and casually listen to the conversations of many of the "chewing-gum caretakers" to discover with what carelessness some people select caretakers for their children.

  28. Poison (trifoliolate, or three-leaved) ivy resembles Virginia Creeper, and all nurses and caretakers should be able to recognize it.

  29. The caretakers of this baby were the two children and the dog.

  30. Only the three caretakers were left to inhabit a warm corner.

  31. These were the teamsters, the stablemen, the caretakers and a few early arrivals.

  32. Mrs. Hodgkins was the housekeeper and Larry was the butler, and when the Hergsheimers were traveling Larry and his mother stayed in the New York house as caretakers and kept things shipshape.

  33. Being, as I said before, an outsider, you likely don't realize how many of those big swell millionaires' cribs uptown are in the hands of caretakers like Larry and his mother and me the best part of the year.

  34. The boatswains of ships were the caretakers of the vessels at the moorings.

  35. She pointed toward the road and the others saw the two caretakers in Mr. Floyd's light wagon approaching the bungalow.

  36. There were trunks to pack, messages to send to the caretakers at the camp, dresses to have finished in time, and many odds and ends to be looked after before leaving for so long a time.

  37. The caretakers looked in astonishment at the old man and his assistant.

  38. Then he went to the garden, where the caretakers and gardeners received him on their knees.

  39. When he came to the garden, he would on each occasion send away the caretakers and gardeners under some pretext, leap up into the trees, and gorge himself to his heart's content with the peaches.

  40. Those things can all be sent out immediately to our homes and safely entrusted to the caretakers Brother Ned just spoke of,” said the captain.

  41. I couldn't--" Judy told her the Dran family were only caretakers for young Uncle Paul as her family had been caretakers for old Uncle Paul.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "caretakers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.